Yes, body counting. 
 Someone’s separate e-mail accounts.. 
 In the meantime, the movement haS RUN OFF 30,000 PEOPLE FROM HERE I Have seen 
with my own eyes.  Hopefully Hagelin, the best guy we’ve Had yet, will pull 
this out of the fire.  He’s trying, and is sincere.


---In, <> wrote :

 As you must be aware, the dead weight of ideology is measured in bodies.


 On Friday, August 18, 2017, 2:14:07 AM GMT, 
[FairfieldLife] <> wrote:


 The critical need now is for numbers in proximity meditating.  This need in 
critical mass needs movement right now not the dead weight of rigid ideology 
standing still in the way. 

 Our status quo ‘administrative state’ of the Dome numbers evidently is not 
working for reasons unacceptable by standard of what good could come of the 
group meditating.   
In the middle of tru-believer status quo is their own moral feeling that 
anything that came from Maharishi should not be changed and also a feeling that 
some people ‘made promises’ and should be punished or coerced by holding up 
their Dome badge status over them. These are moral rationales that like the 
grant-monitoring problem are unacceptable to the accord of natural law.  

---In, <> wrote :

 A conservative view of the numbers problem is saying: “Materialism and 
ill-discipline on the part of some people in the meditating community is a 
likely part of this problem. By all the science one could infer the buck of all 
the problems is with all those spiritual loafers down in cafes sitting around 
when they could be in the collective of the Domes meditating.” 

---In, <> wrote :

 About the collapse of numbers in the Domes meditating, it would be extremely 
politic right now to cut through this.  Make a separate policy document for 
admission in to the Dome group program for old movement meditators and 
initiators. Not with crafting exemptions but directly cut the guidelines down 
to essential of what it takes to administer a residence course or retreat.   
See that people have learned ™ and the ™-sidhis, that they don’t ‘work against’ 
the movement or would be otherwise disruptive, and simply request that they 
only practice ™ and the ™-Sidhis in the Domes.  Done. Short. Publish them.

---In, <> wrote :

 This needs extra-ordinary leadership right now to rally the meditating 
community to meditation.

---In, <> wrote :

 It is time for the scientists to lead on this, to become leaders of movement. 
Dr. Hagelin and our other bona fide scientists with real degrees of study need 
to step up and lead on this holdup with the Dome numbers.  How it was done 
before which effectively destroyed the Dome meditation numbers was terrible and 
needs to be immediately remediated. 

---In, <> wrote :

 It is time to cut through the Gordian knot of tru-believer conservatism. 

 Contact Dr. Hagelin right now, share your concern that he work with the other 
scientists who are of the few Trustees who ‘own’ the movement to get to work 
directly on remediating so much of the damage that was previously done to our 
communal ship of state here in the years of the Patterson-Morris 

---In, <> wrote :

 It is time for the tru-believer faith-based religious of TM to relent.  They 
need to stand back,  hold back and ‘recuse’ themselves from the consideration 
now. They clearly cannot judge this.   


---In, <> wrote :

 Bound by a conservative TM faith ideology evidently our conservative 
tru-believers don’t even believe the implications of the science or else in the 
policy conversations they would get out of the way of more membership and more 
meditation in the Domes.

---In, <> wrote :

 It is time to start a new document guideline for membership. Keep to the 
simple and get rid of the old guidelines of what was the Patterson-Morris 
administrative state of ™.   Monitoring people’s lives the way they did it 
quite obviously was against natural law. 

---In, <> wrote :

 In this recent crisis of Dome numbers Bevan’s early solution was to charge 
fees for the Dome meditation as a reaction.  

 How about first remediating the guidelines, re-articulating what we are about 
with the Domes and a campaign to increase numbers of people doing program in 
the Dome before you guys re-introduce fees and that having to come to get 
stickers, with all that visits to the course office entails of ‘validating’ 

 Do some of this other work first to increase numbers of meditators coming to 
the Dome and then deal with a fee later. 

---In, <> wrote :

 Rolling out the Dome fees..  

 Inevitably there will be some drop off when a meditation fee gets 
re-instituted.  Do due- diligence before you roll out Dome fees.  Very little 
leadership had been done under the Patterson-Morris administration with 
interfacing in the larger meditating community to present the why and the what 
we are doing with the Domes.  Do your leadership work first before you taint 
everything in the discussion with fees now. 

---In, <> wrote :

 A better administration of the group meditation is needed right now to 
increase the membership of people meditating doing the program in the Domes.  
Right now quite evidently this needs to happen.  

---In, <> wrote :

 This was a terrible state of administrative matters that let things get so bad 
with the numbers meditating there in the Domes and with the meditating 
community here. Emergency action needs to happen to make this meditation about 
expansion, to pull this out of nose dive. 

 This needs some extra-ordinary leadership right now out in front. 

---In, <> wrote :

 Dr. Hagelin is one of the few people who in legality actually ‘owns’ ™ by 
virtue of being one of a very few Trustees at the top of the corporations that 
are ™ now  
 This becomes critical for critical mass here.  Ask him now to use every ounce 
of fiduciary responsibility and trust that he has to right this right now by 
joining a coalition of the other real trustee- scientists who are at the top 
and dictate a proper policy according to the evidence base of all that is 
science. It is time to push the faith-based ashram-ites out of the way of 
meditation program practice and lead past them.  Everything is at stake here 
right now. 

 Jai Guru Dev, 


---In, <> wrote :

 Only 180 in the Dome meditating the other morning. 

---In, <> wrote :

 189 yesterday morning and 208 the evening before in the men's Dome meditating. 
Women's Dome usually is less than the Men's tally. 

---In, <> wrote :

 The divide asserting “They made promises” to keep people out of the Domes ‘is 
a made up maya’ about fealty in some conservative TB'er’s minds. 
 The TM tru-believers assert their discipline over others that: “They made 
promises..”  and want a punitive retributive discipline over old meditators 
using membership at the Dome meditation. 
 A common response In the old meditating movement community.. 
 “..The only promise I made was to go teach people to meditate as I learned to 
teach meditation from Maharishi and to not let money get in the way of anyone 
learning to meditate.”


---In, <> wrote :


 "In the dome they got discouraged. The cohesion was destroyed by endless bar 
raising to the dome.  
 People were made to feel bad."  



---In, <> wrote :

 People spoke to different aspects in the meditating community meeting at 
Phoenix Rising. Some people in the line at the open microphone spoke to the 
collapse of the Dome numbers in their experience saying things of regret that 
2,000 meditating together is way more than 200 to the effect.  Those particular 
policy problems related to the Dome numbers around the guidelines for Dome 
group meditation membership were not directly taken up or responded to at the 
Phoenix Rising meeting.  
 In the preliminary meetings leading up to the Phoenix Rising meeting it was 
summarily expressed that the leadership feels for the status quo, that people 
‘made promises’ and therefore should not be in the Domes for practicing other 
competing systems to MVS, and then it was qualified a little in the process of 
meeting to be more particularly around those who ‘work against’ the movement. 
Work in process.
 Also it seems there is a cultural disavowing inside that the ‘guidelines’ for 
being in the group meditation are neither punitive or disciplinary.  This needs 
a lot more conversation between factions. Leadership have not acknowledged that 
those being either studied and practiced in any astrology systems has anything 
to do with how people practice meditation. 
 That whole non-compete clause in the guidelines could stand to just be 
omitted. Invite those few who it effects freely back in to membership. That 
would be an important telegraph. 
 There is another preliminary working meeting tomorrow coming up on how to go 
forward with a communal process. 'Work in progress.'  


---In, <> wrote :




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