Back in the 1970s many of the initiators in Seattle got incense from the Vedanta Society because the TMO was often out of incense.

On 08/31/2017 12:30 PM, ultrarishi wrote:

I was wondering if TM Initiators have to use a specific incense for puja. I have noticed over the decades that the incense in the pujas I've been part of seem consistently the same type even though I have had many different teachers in different parts of the country perform the ceremony.

I've also noticed that the asian / indian markets in my area, of which there is an abundance, don't carry the type that would be appropriate for a TM puja. The stores in my area offer sticks that are just too floral, even the sandwood. Nothing is subtle.

Any thoughts?

Any brand recommendations and on line source markets for good incense.

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