Some great idea here 

-----Original Message-----
From: Rand Paul <>
To: wleed3 <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 3, 2017 1:07 pm
Subject: Budget, debt, and war

here's your weekly update

Reinventing A New Direction


William D . Leed Iii  Col. Ret, when Congress returns this week, there will be 
a mad rush toward a number of deadlines, with important legislation being 
tackled. Some of it presents an opportunity, some of it requires us to follow 
the old call for eternal vigilance. 
I’ll summarize a few of them for you, but please, keep an eye on your email and 
our social media for updates on this, and things will move quickly.

The government’s fiscal year ends September 30, which means the bills to fund 
the government for the NEXT year must pass by then. Of course, they will try to 
spend too much, and we will fight them. One way we can do that is by offering 
amendments to cut specific programs. I plan to offer one to cut all the 
programs featured over the past year in my “Government Waste” project, which 
would save billions. 
They will also need to pass a Budget, which is the blueprint. To that bill, I 
will offer multiple amendments to cut spending and will fight to cut taxes for 
every American as well. We can do both. 

You’ve probably seen some of my updates on this one. It’s time to CUT UP the 
credit card that has us nearly 20 TRILLION in debt. 
The government needs permission to borrow money. Congress has routinely given 
itself permission to bury our country in debt, and it is out of control. 
They’ll run out of borrowing authority VERY soon, so watch for this fight in 
the next week or two. 
I don’t think we should shut down the government. But I’m fine with making them 
live with only what they take in. That’s what American do every day. 
You can join our fight to cut up their cards HERE.

Just before recess, I stopped consideration of the National Defense 
Authorization Act (NDAA) because I’m going to insist on two crucial debates and 
First, our Afghanistan and Iraq war authorizations are 15 years old. We should 
be out of both places, but if they want to stay in, they should have a new 
debate and vote on a new authorization. We shouldn’t be obligating soldiers who 
were in diapers when this was passed to go to war on this premise.  
Second, I am working with Senators Lee and Feinstein to end the authorization 
for Indefinite Detention of American citizens. 

It will be a busy few weeks, and I’ll need your help as each battle heats up. 
Signing petitions, making phone calls, sharing on social media – those are help 
us make sure YOUR voice is there to back me up in the Senate. 
RANDPAC helps amplify that voice and reach millions more Americans during every 
battle, through emails, ads and other media.  So if you can, please continue to 
help and support RANDPAC as we go into this crucial time. 




Thank you, 





Rand Paul MD 



                                                        RAND PAC is Senator 
Rand Paul's Leadership Political Action Committee.
                        Rand PAC's mission is to support and elect Pro-Liberty, 
Pro-Constitution candidates in Kentucky and across the country.                 

                                                Not authorized by any candidate 
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