More terminology for ..Gone, “Off-the-Program”. 
  Another one from within the Mormon Church,
   “resignations” (taking names off the rolls) Resigned.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 ..broad is the road and 'false apostates':

 Evidently there is apostasy and then there are false apostates. A whole 
'nother category of apostasy where withdrawing rises to a whole 'nother level 
in contending. Turned out or leaving as apostate, but going on further to 
public contending and even out preaching in argument that some group is no 
good, in a way that goes overboard to the side of false apostasy. 
 To where an activism in rebellion that becomes different than just some 
wandering off the program [OTP] or someone becoming 'negative', drifting away 
or simply being apostate. But in terms, False Apostasy evidently becomes its 
own higher order of discontent as contention. It is what it is in nature when 
you see it, the taking of apostasy further. In the fourteen years of 
FairfieldLife as a yahoo-group we've seen some of that displayed here too. 

 But wisdom shows a narrow path,
With here and there a traveler..
 Which false apostates never knew.  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 “Disconnected”, another one of those OTP terms of judgment.. 

 “The Church's disconnection policy is similar to that of the Jewish faith of 
shunning. There is no policy in Scientology that requires Church members to 
disconnect from anyone, let alone family and friends who simply have different 

 “This is an extremist organization — there's no half-in, half-out. You have to 
100% be on board, or you're considered an enemy to your group. I wasn't ready 
to walk out the door and say goodbye to my mother, my sister, my 
brother-in-law, all my friends..”

 -NPR interview about her new memoir,Troublemaker actor Leah Remini left the 
Church of Scientology after more than 30 years. 



 Please bring your current program badge or MUM ID. Meditators without badges 
please contact the Invincible America Department, 472-1212 or iad...@mum.edu 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 As Judged OTP.. 
 in TM parlance Being,, Off the program, Out of harmony with the group, or a 
crack in the coherence of the group, . 

 The Shakers = Out of Order with the Gospel.   

 Amana Society, “The Blessings of the Lord have Been Withdrawn”.   

 The old Society of Friends, 'separated' and 'disowned'. 

 Primitive Baptists, 'at variance'. 

 Klingon 'Discommendation', ..a of folding of arms, turning around to give the 
back, and the names not spoken any more, 

 OTP, something like being denied a Dome badge or 
 being moderated on a Yahoo-group for being in conflict with the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines. -JaiGuruYou

 dhamiltony2k5 wrote :
 “Indica” of religion: 'Ultimate ideas', 'Comprehensive', 'Structure'.

 Practicing meditators v. the religious..

 dhamiltony2k5 wrote :

 In gradation being disciplined in practicing may be different than being 
religious about it. In American jurisprudence it was not the practicing of 
meditation that was ruled to be religion but the Science of Creative 
Intelligence as a comprehension. Evidently can have strong practicing 
meditators who are disciplined practitioners for their own good reasons and 
some others who who are religious about it. Looking around here it seems there 
is scope [range and distribution] to that gradation between being disciplined 
in the practice and being religious-hook-line-and-sinker about it,. It's 
actually interesting to see.


 noozguru wrote
 PSST..!  TM is not supposed to be a religion.  Why would it need to be 
practiced religiously?

 The religious aspect of devotional practise is engaged in by people who don't 
actually get anything out of it. Appearing to be 100% behind the guru's 
teaching is a way of saying to the world that you must be enlightened because 
of how you act and hoping that the real thing will follow someday.

 It's kind of a belonging thing too. If you are a needy type the TMO provides a 
strong set of beliefs for you to cling onto among the swirling chaos the rest 
of us cope with without any problem.

 OTP: 'On or off the program' depends a lot on who you are talking with here in 
Fairfield, Iowa. Meditation and gradations of being 'on or off the program' in 
Fairfield, Iowa, culturally this works as a nuanced communal question around 
meditating Fairfield, Iowa. ..Do you meditate [TM] or not? Are you regular in 
your practice of meditating? Do you do the TM-Siddhis? Regularly? Do you have a 
valid Dome badge or not? Do you go to the Dome? Are you a re-certified TM 
teacher, or not? Not? Not?  Om no, ..you must be 'off the program'. Context is 
everything in the judgment.   re:419364

 Geezer writes:
 Me: So you were in Chicago seeing another guru? SO off the program!

 And what, exactly are "serious meditators"?

 You: Well, met several old TM’ers at these meditations too.  Found an old TM 
teacher from San Francisco who was at MIU in Santa Barbara meditating here too. 
  These are long meditations that draw serious meditators to this retreat.  Lot 
of people and a lot of different paths.  New Jersey is far enough rom Iowa that 
there are not so many Fairfield meditators that traveled here.  Not like last 
month in Chicago where there were a few hundred Fairfield meditators at 
Ammachi’s meetings or earlier in the year when Fairfield traveled to be with 
Mother Meera.

 Geezer writes:
 I dunno man, that sounds WAY off the program and hardly Dome-worthy!

 back_formore writes:

 Is there still a "program"? Does "a program" only exist in FF? What is "a 
program"? It's been so long I don't remember and perhaps "programs" have 
changed since I was doing anything faintly TM'ish - like 30 years ago. Are you 
still on "a program"?

 Re: 'Off the program'.  I met a person at the recent Karunamayi silent 
meditation retreat who at the end of the retreat commented that friends would 
'freak out' and be quite 'upset' with this person if they knew this person had 
come to the retreat. There were a lot of people from the greater NYC/New 
England area from different spiritual practices and movements at the retreat. I 
asked this particular individual what they meant and how the 'friends' with 
their spiritual group would 'language' that this person was coming to a 
meditation retreat and being with another teacher.. (?)

 The answer given was there would be a judgment of being “irresponsible” and a 
“failing in completion” of their personal work as taught by their group. The 
young Nityananda has been around the NY metro area for some time and has a 
following there. In contrast this summer this individual went to public 
meetings with Karunamayi and then Ammachi too in NYC. This person has been part 
of the Nityananda group for many years, been to India with them, and has a 
network of long friendships within that group. This person in reflection was 
saying to others at the meditation retreat to have never had a meditation or 
experiences like what was going on with the retreat.  The Nityananda thing 
evidently is not meditative and is a lot psychological.  Evidently a straying 
“off the program” was becoming.. 'Irresponsible' and 'Failing in Completion'. 
..'Off-the-Program'! or an awakening of sorts.

 And, the movement hosted a Guru Purnima too in Fairfield.

 In looking, it seems times are changed noticeably from during the 1990’s and 
the 2000’s where organizations of the maha-saints and spiritual teachers were 
often fleshed out by TM’ers/ the TM community.  Altruistic TM’ers seemed to 
have had the ready know-how in training and and experience in volunteering to 
help 'make' gurus and spiritual movements then. s/Mothers, chopra, Shri-Shri, 
Meera and others.  It often used to be that the people up front in these 
spiritual organizations were of old TM.

 Now in looking it is fairly evident that others have come along in to being 
the organizing workhorses of different spiritual movements.  You see many fewer 
TM’ers up front running things at events or in the crowd or on the organizing 
committees.  Other folks coming along of more of a middle-age demographic now 
do more of the facilitating of the spiritual movements and tours.  Also 
compared to earlier times some of the groups now have a more solid showing of 
the Indo-American community culturally showing up and running things in a way 
that was not there so long ago. And there a is now a smattering of spiritually 
lit millennials in the crowds. Times change. -JaiGuruYou

 Well, met several old TM’ers at these meditations too.  Found an old TM 
teacher from San Francisco who was at MIU in Santa Barbara meditating here too. 
  These are long meditations that draw serious meditators to this retreat.  Lot 
of people and a lot of different paths.  New Jersey is far enough rom Iowa that 
there are not so many Fairfield meditators that traveled here.  Not like last 
month in Chicago where there were a few hundred Fairfield meditators at 
Ammachi’s meetings or earlier in the year when Fairfield traveled to be with 
Mother Meera. 

 Geezer writes:

 I dunno man, that sounds WAY off the program and hardly Dome-worthy!

 Went to a Guru Purnima group silent meditation in suburban NJ the other 
evening –Summit, Shorthills, Maplewood, Chatam area.  Gathering of people from 
a couple different yoga studios for an evening meditation as a group.  Eclectic 
gathering of different mature meditator folks for a nice group silent 
meditation.  Really nice field effect in an amalgam of some  Gurumayi 
meditators, chopra meditators, oprah, Quaker, centering, Buddhist, meditators, 
and a couple people who learned meditation in recent times through TM center in 
the NJ area.  Ecumenical silent meditation together in a room for a long 
meditation one evening after the workday.   

 Also Looking in now on a guru Purnima meditation retreat hosted by Karunamayi 
also in NJ just across from NYC.  About 400 practiced meditators from New 
England and Canada with some coming from the West also.  Mature eclectic 
demographic of practiced meditators for a several day retreat practicing in 
long silent meditations as a group.  .. it's a nice cultivated spiritual group 

 Demographics of both these groups meetings are middle-aged and at least 
middle-class.  Not many millennials  to see in the group though the meditation 
retreat does cost money and afforded some time including a weekday workday to 
go to, but are not many millennials to be seen.  Both groups age-wise were 
generally younger (middle-age) than what we more commonly see in our Fairfield 
meetings of older greying baby-boom meditators.  -JaiGuruYou       



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