Hi!  I have been lurking for some time, except when I said "I love David 
Lynch".  However, I am a Christian (and even worse a Catholic convert)  and 
have had my first meeting with my local TM teacher.  I begin my first class on 
October 23.  I have suffered from anxiety, panic etc disorder (at times 
morphing into agrophobia) since I was 18, I'm now 64.  I love the life I have 
in Christ and I believe it defines who I am.  However, I have never found much 
help with anxiety issue in my faith.  So, after listening to some of Dr. Norman 
Rosenthal books, I can see TM could be a help with this as well as other stress 
issues.  So, I think I am looking for someone in this group that might reassure 
me that practicing TM is not "against" my faith in Jesus, i.e., a christian who 
does TM.  If you want to contact me privately, my email is 
eunnerst...@gmail.com (not sure if it's okay to post that, I have no problem).  
I don't need to hear from "fundies" (fundementalist) who are opposed to 
combining the practices, because I've already read all your stuff online.   
Thanks for your help, Libby Unnerstall 

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