What is one of the reasons Americans are confused about religion?  Which 
Americans?  Which religions?   
 Jeffress and other "Christian Nationalists" have been in the news more 
recently because they have circled their wagons around T.Rump in an effort to 
get their militant agenda forwarded. 

 Jeffress does not represent the great majority of evangelists (see article) 
and is not a mouthpiece for Christians of virtually any denomination.  


 The word "cult" has to be specifically defined and placed into historical, 
political, and social context to have any meaning.  

 I have no idea what he thinks of TM, but I'm guessing that given his 
"Christian" beliefs, he would consider it yet another surreptitious offspring 
of Satan.   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 An Evangelical Pastor Robert Jeffress said recently.  He also thinks Mormonism 
is a  cult.  This is one of the reasons that Americans are confused about 
religion. Further, one wonders what he thinks about TM?




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