Correction!  ...the evidence is in that meditation assists the mind/body/spirit 
in *explainable* (and unexplainable) ways. 

---In, <emily.mae50@...> wrote :

 Excellent series of posts!  Wouldn't it be amazing to have a conversation with 
Dr. Pamela Peeke?   

 I see that you have clipped out your accolades below. 

 If you got them from a TM website, than they are not necessarily 

 If these people are part of the TM organization and/or doing TM themselves, 
than they are not, to my way of thinking, independent.  In fact, in a court of 
law, they might need to recuse themselves due to a conflict of interest 
(depending on what they are testifying to).  


 That doesn't mean that their statements and their credentials can't be 
presented to market TM.  

 In the one article (and I only looked at the one) I dug into, I found it 
amusing that all but two of the PhD's listed as authors were from MUM!  

 I see from your posts that, in fact, scads of articles have been published 
since the 2000's.  Good to see.  If one takes all the articles on meditation 
published (all forms and types) and all of the books written and TED talks and 
conferences, etc., the evidence is in that meditation assists the 
mind/body/spirit in unexplainable ways.

 Pretty great, isn't it?

 Maybe consider participating in this?  It isn't practice-specific; they 
welcome everyone.


 ---In, <> wrote :


 “This work . . . deserves the most serious consideration.” “The claim can be 
plausibly made that the potential impact of this research exceeds that of any 
other ongoing social or psychological research program. The research has 
survived a broader array of statistical tests than most research in the field 
of conflict resolution. I think this work, and the theory that informs it, 
deserve the most serious consideration by academics and policy makers alike.”
 —David Edwards, Ph.D., Professor of Government, University of Texas at Austin
 “We have to take these studies seriously.” “In the studies that I have 
examined on the impact of the Maharishi Effect [Brain-Based Approach to Peace] 
on conflict, I can find no methodological flaws, and the findings have been 
consistent across a large number of replications in many different geographical 
and conflictual situations. As unlikely as the premise may sound, I think we 
have to take these studies seriously.”
 —Ted Robert Gurr, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Government and Politics,
 University of Maryland
 “The work is sound.” “The hypothesis definitely raised some eyebrows among our 
reviewers. But the statistical work is sound. The numbers are there. When you 
can statistically control for as many variables as these studies do, it makes 
the results much more convincing. This evidence indicates that we now have a 
new technology to generate peace in the world.”
 —Raymond Russ, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, University of Maine;
 editor, Journal of Mind and Behavior
 “This research . . . demands action.” “I have been following the research on 
the Maharishi Effect [Brain-Based Approach to Peace] as it has developed over 
the last twenty years. There is now a strong and coherent body of evidence 
showing that [this approach] provides a simple and cost-effective solution to 
many of the social problems we face today. This research and its conclusions 
are so strong, that it demands action from those responsible for government 
 —Huw Dixon, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, York University, England

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