Many of my family members are Stanford grads so I had to do some research into 
this one.  This is not a Stanford course, just fyi.  (No credits, no cost.) It 
was a part of a free series of lectures given in 2013-2014 and billed as a 
course affiliated with the LifeWorks initiative.  The reviews give a nod to Dr. 

 LifeWorks is part of Stanford's initiative to provide students with 
perspectives and practices that help them deepen their educational experience 
and more successfully negotiate the challenges they face in today's world. Our 
courses and workshops respond to the call by the Study of Undergraduate 
Education at Stanford (SUES) for more adaptive and integrative learning that 
gives students the skills and capacities for living and working in a complex, 
accelerated, interdependent world.
 LifeWorks courses integrate the process of self-inquiry into traditional 
learning by combining scholarship with creative expression, mindfulness and 
other embodied practices. Our approach combines the latest discoveries in 
neuroscience, psychology, and education with the wisdom and practices of 
contemplative world cultures. Embodied practices like mindfulness, dance, yoga 
and improvisation help students reduce stress, focus attention and improve 
academic and athletic performance. Such practices support the development of 
self-understanding, heightened comfort with ambiguity, increased happiness and 
a greater acceptance of others. Creative expression through writing, the arts 
and other media engages students more intuitively and holistically, helping 
them assimilate learning in fresh and unexpected ways. 


 Customer Reviews Jerry       
by Jerry62t I watched the first lecture by Dr. John Hagelin. I find it hard to 
believe that Stanford university actually associated itself with this 
anti-intellectual twaddle. This is truly proof of the adage that if you are 
considered an expert in a field you don't need any evidence of the things you 

 Stanford credits for this... Really? (No credits-de)      
by Thierry M D Don't look for anything enlightning... Unlike the previous 
reviewer, with whom I agree though, I actually made it to the 4th video before 
giving up. This series is border line sect recruiting. Talking at length and 
mixing good science, that they have nothing to do with, to plug at the end 
their own mistic view and try to give it credentials in the process. 

Snake oil at best, it is amazing that Stanford would associate its name with 
this course, much less give credit for it. It should be reclassified under 
Entertainement at best...! Amazing also was the unwillingness to address 
questions from the few skeptics in the audience.

 Hmm, interesting, but ???       
by Roger2014 Skip the first two lectures. Little or no science there.
Watch Dr. Peeke. She's interesting and you might pick up a point or two.

The final lecture presents the science and it's interesting.




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