Handel's Messiah was originally performed in Dublin, Ireland around Easter 
time. It was designed as a concert piece. Many back then objected to it being 
sung by theater people. Somehow the work has become associated more with 
Christmas than Easter.
As for singing, "The Lord" is two syllables and "The Transcendent" is four, so 
it would not fit the music Handel wrote, and despite his strong German accent, 
he normally knew precisely how to render English words musically.
There is a spot in one of the songs however where he did put an unusual accent 
on the word incorruptible, putting the accent on the "ti" which most conductors 
try to fix.
Are you in God consciousness or something? You seem to put a lot of stress on 
religiously oriented values here.
>From what I can tell, this group originally had a rather wide range of views 
>from atheism to strong believers in Maharishi's offerings.
    On Wednesday, December 20, 2017, 1:21:37 PM GMT, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:  

Good point. ‘Transcendent’ peace would work.

This last week we had a sing-along of Handel's Messiah in Fairfield

and I sat there singing through the libretto wondering how

it sings as a Transcendentalist might sing it.

The paraphrase pops a meaning out right away

in to a more contemporary ‘spiritual but-not religious’  vernacular.

Start right from the beginning substituting ‘Transcendent’ for ‘The Lord’.

It works in meaning very well. A lot of times ‘The Lord’ is sung inside tied 

where ‘the Transcendent’ substituted works fine in high lighting a deeper 

Substituting in paraphrase..
How beautiful are they who preach The Transcendent peace, and bring glad 
tidings of good things.

It puts a whole 'nother level of meaning and also a sympathetic context of 
those teachers of Transcendentalism, like TM initiators or to mystics who come 
seemingly as avatars.  Though whole sections of the original libretto wander 
through some other theology otherwise the switch makes for a good spiritual 
reading/ sing through of The Messiah. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <archonan...@yahoo.com> wrote :

"Transcendence of peace" means to go beyond peace, I am not sure that is what 
you meant. It would mean peace is bypassed. 
The might mean the absence of peace or it could mean something beyond peace and 
non-peace, but not peace itself. 
It could also mean one transcends non-peace, and somehow gains peace, but the 
word order is ambiguous as removing non-peace might be neither peace nor its 
Until enlightenment, expressed as "The Transcendent," this terminology 
considers this goal as an object even though it is the subjective value of 
experience and not an object of experience, it is the value that contains the 
objects of experience and illuminates them (if you think of it dualistically). 
Transcendence is more like a verb than a noun. It implies passage rather than 
You pass beyond ignorance, but the removal of ignorance does not mean you are 
in a different place -- you are in the same place, but not quite so 
half-witted, seeing things clearly for once.
Transcendence as a concept is a stand-in word for the process of renewal and 
repair. The destination is always where you are and this never changes. 
Using transcendent as a noun implies one is at the bottom of the spiritual 
ladder, hopefully looking up to supposedly a better life. If still hoping for 
this, the point of it all is missed once again. Difficult it is to get out of 
this mental straight jacket.
Religion tries to maintain the straight jacket, while spirituality tries to 
break the mould so the nature of freedom and captivity become clear.
If you consider it from a unified perspective, differences pale, it cannot be 
thought because there is no subject or object, even if you were standing in the 
midst of a thunderstorm and being pummeled by hail, deafened by thunder and 
blinded by lightning.
And remember pride is the inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, 
merit, or superiority. "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit 
before a fall." You want to transcend ignorance but pride is an unfortunate 
by-product of ignorance. It is a crutch and shows lack of courage, lack of self 
reliance, a mask of puffed up self image.

 On Monday, December 18, 2017, 11:28:40 AM GMT, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


How beautiful are they who preach the Transcendence of peace, and bring glad 
tidings of good things.

Their sound is gone out into all lands,

and their words unto the ends of the world.


Why do the nations so furiously rage together, and why do the people imagine a 
vain thing?

The kings of the earth rise up, and the rulers take counsel together against 
the Unified Field Transcendent, and against it's anointed.

Let us break their bonds asunder, and cast away their yokes from us.

Friends;Transcendentalist pride, evidently in the long course of humanevents 
this is really important to humanity. Transcendental-ism.Certainly if only by 
our life experience as Transcendental-ists weshould all correctly and fairly 
feel strongly and rightfully so inthe -ism of Transcendentalism. With pride. It 
is time to sit up, tostraighten the back and hold our heads high in public 
discourse andtake back Transcendentalism from the fictions of utopia and 
thematerialism of ignorance. It is time for transcendentalists to takeback 
transcendentalism from those who would trammel on our sacred andunified field 
of transcendentalism. It is time. It is time tomeditate and then affect, 
unified and in field effect. N-squared!N-squared is the cosmic cry of these 
times. It is time fortranscendentalists to come up, close ranks and meditate 
once againtogether. The science tells us and our experience shows us. 
Stayclose. Proximity and numbers matter in this fight. I would begrateful to 
any who would join us in this. -Buck 

# Now,Om, Om, Om! The Pride of my Transcendentalism. In changing the 
publicdiscourse around the word Transcendentalism I should count progressin the 
war with some people here who are against Transcendentalismwhen we can have 
some of these real negativists come to ontologicallychange their own thinking 
and feelings about Transcendentalism and Beable to claim themselves as, 
Transcendentalists once again. Theworld should be much a better place and safer 
for with less hate forthe word, Transcendentalism and our own people as 
Transcendentaliststhen. We will never stop fighting until the nature of 
theanti-Transcendental negativistic thinking here is changed. “All weare saying 
is give Peace a chance” as so obviouslyTranscendentalism is the answer inside 
of everything in nature.Finding that 'change' begins within for everyone, even 
the FFLneganauts here, it is time to change some wrong thinking around theword, 
Transcendentalism and take it back for the pride of theTranscendentalist in 
everyone of us. 

-Buckin the Dome 

 In reclaimingTranscendentalism now, for a moment do feel in to the -ist and 
-ismetymology with JossWhedon, 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <Buck> wrote:

# Transcendental-ism.Changing the public discourse. I am in favor of 
Transcendentalism.Yes, I am a transcendentalist with a capitol T. -ist. But 
somethinghas happened to the term, Transcendentalist because of, Utopian. Wegot 
to change that. Let's with science make it more real. And makeit more real by 
having more people meditate. A lot more people. Makeit over. People should be 
proud to be Transcendentalists once again.But it has become a line behind which 
those other have lived before.Thoreau, Emerson, Blake, those German 
Transcendentalists who precededso much of American spiritual and religious 
history, others likeWhitman and Boroughs. We got to do something now to reclaim 
the pride ofTranscendentalism. 

-Buckin the Dome   


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