A ™ meditationist’s Mecca
 A Place to Meditate in proximity and numbers with other meditators. 

 Meditating in the Domes..

 I am a 27-year-old graduate student from Rhode Island.
 Contrast is my experience.  
 I learned the TM-Sidhi program while working at MUM in the distance-education 
 The TM-Sidhi program is wonderful! I might have taken this great program for 
granted, especially my first year as I worked, while also doing my program in 
the dome. 
 I've been away from Fairfield for two years, but now am rounding here during 
my winter break. 
 When I first got to Fairfield this past week, sat in the dome and meditated, I 
quickly realized: "I thought I've been meditating. But this is really 
 Here in Fairfield, here in the Dome...is just deep deep contrast.  
 My TM-Sidhi program is very deep in Rhode Island.  Experiences are profound. I 
really feel the bliss...meditating in Rhode Island.
 But when I come to Fairfield and meditate in the dome, I experience great 
contrast.  I close my eyes and start the mantra -- immediately it's an entirely 
different experience, meditating in such a large group, in such a holy place. 
 I experience profound bliss, silence and a new clarity of perception of my 
mind and, somehow clearly distinct from my mind, my Cosmic Self.
 Somehow in Rhode Island there's this attachment to my mind, identification 
with my mind and my day-to-day concerns.  In Fairfield, meditating with the 
large group, I've experienced immediate freedom from all that. 
 Infinite freedom.  Boundlessness.   Meditating in the dome is an experience 
unlike any other. 
 Like a prisoner coming out of prison for the first time, I realized not how 
much I was suffering, but how much freedom I can have. 
 I'm not suffering in Rhode Island or in other parts of my life, but here it's 
like being an angel meditating.  Just profound light and silence.
 I'm meditating, doing my TM-Sidhi program and the flying bell rings.
 The flying sutra comes; there's complete silence and just this impulse -- 
which brings me higher and higher.  A desire to go higher and higher, not from 
me, but from a Cosmic Me.  It pulls me.  
 I feel pulled, but it's not me and also is me.  It's hard to describe these 
experiences; they're so deep-felt and beautiful, but also so simple. 
 It's not magic, it's just so common for me.  How much I take it for granted.  
 I'm meditating, then it happens and I'm like oh wow this is nice. So, yes, 
contrast is my experience — and blissfulness, light and lots of stress release. 
 I encourage every Sidha in the world to visit Fairfield. Meditate in the Peace 
Palace. Round in the domes. Create your own holy day, today.

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