“It is the experience and inner experience of flying”
 Then perhaps it would have been wiser in this day and age to have evolved the 
terminology to “Inner Flying” from its very introduction.
 Perhaps the term “Inner Flying” would not then mislead the non-participator 
who is but a witness to the "hopping". 
 The term “Inner Flying” would then perhaps be more appropriate to the 
experiencer as it does not directly refer to the “flying” of the physical body.
 Rather the physical body which does not “fly” in any likeness of the commonly 
perceived notion of flying such as that of the action of a bird or butterfly or 
maybug, is merely the shell, as the husk of a chestnut is not the chestnut, 
while the inner experience is, for some, one of a feeling of flying whether it 
be from carpet to column, from earth to sky, from cloud to cloud, from star to 
star, or from physical condition to a more refined atmosphere. 
 To perhaps generalise a little on a certain perspective of the nature of 
spiritual evolution and the nature of the revelation of truth, it could be said 
that at one given time truth is revealed to a certain group or a people at a 
particular time for a specific purpose. Yet when that truth has played its part 
then new springs of life appear out of the old, and by definition, the old is 


 The old form, venerated and sacred as it might be, having played its part for 
humanity as a whole – generally without that 'whole' being conscious of its 
existence - is ready to be displaced, as it were. The old life, once brimming 
with liquefied revelation, has been taken, crystallised, cemented - and in so 
doing the life has been stifled, suffocated, no longer supplying the required 
sustenance for the spiritual needs and inner desires of the being yearning for 
that spiritual impetus it senses yet misses.
 Always there will be a place for the old casket thrown off by the new life 
because always there will be those not witnessing the new life due to being 
transfixed on the old, fired in the kiln of age, not willing or able to climb 
the hill to which the old path has led, so the living must let the dead bury 
the dead, as it were. The old vehicle of truth, now like a shroud, cannot 
contain the new life which has lately arisen and which is displayed to view for 
the eyes that look upward and onward over the perceived horizon.
 New life may spring up in the form of new truths yet they are aspects of Truth 
– in Reality there is no new Truth because there is only One Truth which is, 
and has always been, and will always be – but a newer atmosphere for a further 
comprehension of Truth is made possible, and this spiritual evolution, rightly 
understood, is a process that is continued ad infinitum. 
 The glorious future is guaranteed…surely a simple motivating thought which is 
a cause for continual celebration...

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