Studies in broken trust.. 
 In a genre, the David Wants to Fly documentary of the TM community, this would 
seem to be also of a kind of study of broken trust in spiritual and religious 
 David Wants to Fly  video used to be more readily available to find and was 
shared more widely around the TM community when it was released. These two 
documentaries may put bracket to ‘guru from India’ exploitation in the West. 


---In, <> wrote :

 One can see this Rajaneesh documentary itself is going to be at the 
intersection of how people look at or study spiritual groups in American 

Using Rajneeshpuram this film does quite the good job in a documentary format 
of touching on a range of separate spiritual groups within American society, 
showcasing reactionary evangelicals, Eastern, New Age, Jonestown, regional 
cultures and civil society. Now in a comparison with Fairfield, Iowa the 
repeating question coming for a long time of those who may have lived in 
Fairfield will be, “Have you seen the Rajneesh Documentary, what did you 

---In, <> wrote :

 An old Fairfield, Iowa meditator saying of the Rajaneesh documentary,  
‘..disturbingly familiar’.

 Different than with Antelope, Oregon though, the first four years of 
meditators coming to Fairfield, Iowa the meditators as a group lived physically 
mostly within the confines of the academic institution, mostly up on campus, in 
Fairfield. The university arrived with men mostly clean cut in suits and women 
in dresses. After five years then came an arrival and flow of diverse mostly 
middling class educated peoples and families as meditators, even moving in to 
neighborhoods throughout town and in the county alongside locals as neighbors.

 The 'files' section of FairfieldLife has a survey in it of the meditating 
community that was done in the early 1990's. The demographic parts of the 
survey are interesting to look at as profile. 


---In, <> wrote :

 A Study in Polarized Communities, yes.

 A large difference in two stories, between Antelope, Oregon and Fairfield, 
Iowa is that mostly neither our local Iowans or the incoming TM meditators to 
Iowa became overtly violent, or overtly physically aggressive with each other.
 But even with ‘that look’ that can be in the Fairfield meditator community a 
difference from the outset between the two places of Oregon and Iowa is that 
the meditators who came to Iowa were modestly dressed. Meditators coming to 
Iowa wearing suits and ties and such, clean shaven, for the most part, and not 
‘in red’ like in Oregon.

 The opinion page of the local newspaper in Fairfield has always run with a lot 
of hot and even bruising ink written on the subject but fortunately red hot 
blood was not overtly spilled over the subject. Now nearly 4.5 decades later 
there has come a better understanding as a detente in how both sides of the 
community tend to speak about each other as there has become a blending of 
blood within the whole area community by a living and sharing for long enough 
in life’s practicalities and raising kids.

 Possibly it all happened too fast on too large a scale for much smaller 
Antelope, Oregon to absorb what all happened, like has happened differently in 
Fairfield, Iowa. Fairfield, Iowa being a liberal arts traditional college town 
possibly allowed for a different outcome. 

 However, the posed level of ambient violence that came in to the Oregon story 
is a frank difference in the narratives.   


---In, <> wrote :

 Trailer Wild Wild Country | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix



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