Oh, I thought the issue with smart meters was the RF emissions from the 
meters. So, the issue is now dirty electricity? Well, if that's the case, then 
people should be aware that the biggest source of dirty electricity is everyone 
using the grid. Every time a large inductive load kicks on (like an A/C 
compressor), it generates a huge ugly spike on the power line. Or, how about 
all those solar PV arrays in Fairfield, installed by the two Sidha solar 
installation companies? Sure, the DC coming out of the panels is pure, but it 
has to be converted to AC before hitting the grid, and the electronic inverters 
that convert the DC to AC put out dirty electricity (yes, even the newer sine 
wave inverters put out dirty electricity because the wave form is a digital 
approximation and not a smooth, analog-generated sine wave.) 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dickm...@lisco.com> wrote :

 Please join us!

 From: FF Safe Meters [mailto:fairfieldsafemete...@gmail.com 
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 11:22 AM
To: swastya...@gmail.com mailto:swastya...@gmail.com
Subject: Community Meeting Sat. June 16 2 PM Critical Information FFSM

 Upcoming Iowa Utility Board/Alliant/OCA Public Opinion meetings in IA 


 This is what an Analog Meter looks like
 Announcing A Community Meeting at Phoenix Rising (brick church building at 3RD 
and Burlington) 
 Saturday June 16 at 2 PM

 We will bring you up to date on all of the "Home stretch" issues in our 
campaign to keep our Analog Meters, and there will be a chance for questions. 


 Please note there is a serious problem with proposed digital meters despite 
the rumors that have circulated widely. Digital meters produce dirty 
electricity on your power lines and bathes you 24/7 in dirty electricity EMF 
which has many known negative health consequences. 


 The acceptance of any substitute to the Analog Meter represents allowing the 
utility to sell us equipment that we absolutely do NOT need or want. We pay for 
any substitute meter. It provides no benefit for the customer and both 
immediately and in the long run, costs us much more in utility bills. Remember 
it is us who pay for everything they propose so we should be able to choose.


 We will provide information about what needs to happen at the remaining (IUB) 
public meetings (see below) so we will all be organized and prepared to speak. 
We’ll make sure every point in our favor is covered well.


 Points A-E that we need feedback on before this Community Meeting:
 Point A: Information has specifically been requested by the Office of Consumer 
Advocacy (OCA) about who has had their Analog switched out for a digital, and 
whether you have solar, etc. They want this information right away. 


 A form to collect this data has been designed and put up on Robert Palma's 
website: www.rfreduce.com/analogmeterform 
 It only takes a minute and we will need everyone to do this who wants to keep 
Analog Meters.


 Point B: No matter what steps you have already taken, everyoneplease be sure 
to place the phone call to Alliant if you have NOT already done so… to opt-out. 
The Opt-out phone call is Alliant’s required method.


 ​Opt-Out ​Suggestions:


 1. Call Alliant​ at 1-800-ALLIANT if you already have a Digital, tell them 
that you​ want your Analog back because it is safer. 


 2. Ask them to put into your record that you refuse any of their current 
options for opt-out Meters, and will only accept an Analog. 


 3. Even if the Alliant Representative on the phone says ​that you will not be 
given a choice to have an Analog Meter​, we suggest that you ask them ​to 
​write down your detailed request into your record, and they are obligated to 
do that.​ 


 Once they have confirmed and read back to you what they have written into your 
file and you are comfortable that the wording accurately represents your 
position, complete the call and make a note for yourself the date of the phone 
call, details and /or record the call (we are told this is legal in Iowa). Also 
save the name of the Alliant representative you spoke with.


 ​This way you will have recourse later when the Analog Meters become available 
again as an option​.


 ​We don't want Alliant to be able to tell you that you can't keep your Analog 
Meter because you didn't make their official opt-out call - that can be very 




 Point C: As passionate as we are about preventing this EMF travesty, we need 
help. This is going to take a whole community effort. 


 PLEASE DONATE: We need to salary our two full time FFSM workers (who have been 
been working largely at their own expense over the last six months and cannot 
continue otherwise). We estimate it will take between 2-9 months to complete 
this project and requires $4,000/mo per person, partially just to catch up.


 This effort could be a game-changer which will impact the safety and comfort 
of Fairfield for generations to come. 


 **If you need a tax deductible receipt, please send check to Sacred Sun 
Ministries, 2581 Glasgow Road, Fairfield, Iowa 52556 
 (Please leave the memo section blank, but include a note saying who has 
inspired the donation). OR just click below for a direct donation at:


 Thanks again to everyone who has donated, 
 it really helped!


 Point D: The next IUB/OCA/ALLIANT Public Opinion meeting that we will need 
volunteers to attend and speak at, is tomorrow in Mason City, IA June 13 at 
6:00 pm. We sincerely hope you can join us there. If you can’t attend these 
meetings, please donate for those who can for travel, hotel money, food, etc.


 June 13 - If anyone wants to go with us to Mason City, June 13th, please email 
or call me at 641-919-9022 so we can meet and prepare comments tomorrow. Mason 
City is 3.5 hours away.


 List of next 5 Public Meetings:


 1) Mason City - Wednesday, June 13, 2018, at 6:00 p.m., in the Main Event 
Banquet Hall, 112 2nd Street Southeast, Mason City, Iowa.

 2) Storm Lake - Monday, June 18, 2018, at 5:30 p.m., in the King’s Pointe 
Ballroom, 1520 East Lakeshore Drive, Storm Lake, Iowa 

 3) Fairfield - Thursday, June 21, 2018, at 5:30 p.m., in the Fairfield Arts 
and Convention Center Expo Hall, 200 North Main Street, Fairfield, Iowa 

 4) Marshalltown - Tuesday, June 26, 2018, at 11:00 a.m., in the Orpheum 
Theatre, 220 East Main Street, Marshalltown, Iowa.

 5) Ames - Tuesday, June 26, 2018, at 5:30 p.m., in the Ames City Auditorium, 
515 Clarke Avenue, Ames, Iowa.


 The Fairfield meeting June 21, is super critical and so easy for everyone to 
attend. The OCA has told us that all of these meetings are pivotal so please 
come to all the meetings you can and voice your opinion into the case record as 


 Requests for the Analog option with no Tariff must come in from all around the 
State so that the IUB does not come to believe that the only concerned citizens 
are in Fairfield. They need to see a variety of faces/speakers from a variety 
of locations. 


 These recordings of your voice at these Public Meetings are used for the IUB 
to make their final decisions. They claim they cannot use evidence for their 
decision making that is not in their official Case record from these meetings. 


 Please contact your friends in outlying areas, educate them on the problems 
with the proposed Meters, and encourage them to attend these IUB meetings and 
speak out. 


 Also please have them contact us and we will help them understand the issues 
and provide them with information if needed, to make an informed live comment 
at one of the Public IUB meetings.


 POINT E: A Special Note To The Community From Robert:


 I encounter many of the gentle folks of the Fairfield community daily. Most 
are kind and complementary to me and Kathy and Janet for our efforts to stop 
the roll-out of a very serious EMF malaise on our town.


 When I ask them if they have filled out complaints, called in opt-outs, 
objections, attended community meetings, I receive a truly alarming number of 


 My dear friends and neighbors, I tell you that this will not succeed with a 
"small elite group". This initiative MUST HAVE the support and participation of 
the community. Group Consciousness alone will succeed, and nothing less, is 


 Now I am going to say the "C" word.


 Please shake off the complacency and help us by doing the recommended steps. 
Those instructions will all be available at the community meeting.


 If you think that the EMF does not affect you then you have not listened to 
the Dr. Martin Pall interview on youtube https://www.youtube.com/Martin Pall 
The Cellular Affect on Humans 


 He is a world class expert in this arena. He assures the listener that the 
negative effects of EMF affect everyone. In some folks, though, the effect 
comes suddenly after years of bodily deterioration. The person has "blissfully" 
ignored all benevolent health advice for most of his/her life, but "pays for it 
dearly" in the end.


 I borrow now from a brilliant letter-to-the-editor of the Fairfield Ledger by 
a Fairfield homeowner.​


 She likens the EMF, that so many people want to ignore, to a variety of deadly 
substances and influences that people, similarly ignored in years past, such as:

 -- asbestos (as an insulation)

 -- lead (in makeup)

 -- arsenic (for clearer skin)

 -- vermilion from mercury (for rouge)


 And may I add, 

 -- tobacco

 -- DDT

 -- fluoroscopes (for continuous x-Ray)

 -- chlorine in the drinking water

 -- a wide variety of preservatives, stabilizers and many other additives in 


 Dear friends, this is your town, your precious community, your health, your 
peace and your life. What are you going to do with it?


 It is painfully clear to me that various leaders of the community have done 
nothing to stop this, and will continue to do nothing. Indeed I have heard 
them, first hand, smirk at and ridicule this whole area, both in speech and in 
writing. Since I won't express words of judgment against them, I will simply 
say that, they break my heart.


 We can't always look to leaders to 'do' for us. BE A LEADER FOR YOURSELF. It’s 
part of today’s trend, i.e., NOT giving your health completely over to you 
doctor but being educated and active toward your own health goals. Taking 
charge of your life.


 It is up to you, my friends.

 It is up to you.

 What do you want in your life?

 How do you want your life to be?

 Are you willing to participate?

 You can "make this" or you can "break this".

 Truly, time is running out.


 You decide, Precious Ones. You decide.


 All of you have, all of my Love,



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