I posted here believing someone would have the answer at this fingertips or at 
least on a shelf nearby. Clearly this wasn't the case, it seems the book is no 
longer popular in Fairfield.,So I did what I had tried to avoid, buy the Kindle 
edition of the Science of Being ahd Art of Living, Well here is what I 


 This explains the significance of action and justifies its status as a path to 
enlightenment. This innocent, natural, simple process of perception and 
experience—from the outward gross to the inward subtle and Transcendent, and, 
from there, again returning to the outward gross—comprises the path of 
action^15 for enlightenment.

^15 The Bhagavad-Gītā calls it the Path of Action, or Karma Yoga.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Science of Being and Art of Living (Kindle Locations 
5255-5257). MUM Press. Kindle Edition

 Maharishi plainly states that TM is Karma Yoga. IMHO, every TMer who practices 
regularly should sooner rather than later know this.

 In those early for me years, I remember I had added an extra 5 or 10' at the 
ebnd of my practice, reading TM books. After Science of Being and Art of Living 
and the Commentary, I read Canelakos' book on the early research on TM, 
Bloonfeld's book, the cartoon book, and then 2 or 3 more that I came across, 
until I realized that the book I was reading was repeating, almost verbatim, 
what I had read in the previous book, and I realized it was time to stop. Ah, 
yes. And I already had the habit of reading all the footnotes and endnotes, 
sometimes the author conveys crucial information in there.

 A few years later I came across the very interesting Glaser's book Positive 
Addiction, and the I read 2 9r 3 of Deepak Chopra's books when he was with the 

 I haven't read any other book on TM for several years, and certainly there 
have been some well worth reading.

 But, IMHO, new mediators should hot skip the 2 classics, including the 


It ain't me, babe - A radical reinterpretation


 A few,

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