Dear Richard,

JFAN published the following letter to the editor on the Daniels Site, a 
7497-head hog confinement proposed for Jefferson County, in the Thursday, 
August 16, 2018 edition of the Fairfield Ledger. 

Learn more about this proposed factory farm here 
 If you are concerned about the Daniels Site and the introduction of corporate 
farming into Jefferson County, please take action here 

Please note that the date for the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors to take 
public comments on the Daniels Site has been moved up to Wednesday, August 22. 
That is a week earlier than the date announced at their Master Matrix scoring 

Thank you for all you do.
JFAN Board of Directors

JFAN LTE Published in the August 16, 2018 Fairfield Ledger
To the Editor:
This month businessman Bill Huber proposed a 7497-head industrial hog 
confinement for Penn Township in Jefferson County. The CAFO, Daniels Site, will 
be 2.5 miles west of the city of Pleasant Plain and will generate 2.3 million 
gallons of manure annually, according to his DNR application.
This is the largest CAFO to come to Jefferson County and sits in the Lake 
Darling watershed. Although the lake went through a multi-million renovation, 
it’s still suffering from water pollution problems caused by E.coli and 
blue-green algae blooms.
Mr. Huber, who is not a Jefferson County resident, has ownership interest in 21 
other hog confinements in four nearby counties. In fact, we understand he is a 
partner with Agri-Way Partners, a grain company in Wayland that in 2014 
expanded into hog production with plans to build 40* CAFOs in southeast Iowa. 
Mr. Huber’s company can be likened to a small scale Smithfield and represents a 
different type of CAFO ownership than the local contract grower that typically 
owns hog confinements in the county.  This is not good.
On Monday, August 13, the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors met to score 
the Master Matrix, which was self scored at 505 points. Jefferson County 
Farmers & Neighbors, Inc. (JFAN) closely reviewed the Matrix and discovered 
four questions we felt didn’t merit the 70 points taken. We made a strong case 
to the supervisors to hold this CAFO to the highest standards intended by law 
given the ecological and community impact of this enormous confinement. Had 
they done so, the Matrix would have failed at 435 points.
While Supervisors Lee Dimmitt, Dee Sandquist and Dick Reed did give thoughtful 
consideration to the points JFAN raised, in the end, it’s our conviction they 
lacked the courage to score the Master Matrix with the high standards JFAN 
urged and that such industrial operations require. 
This is just not acceptable. This was the county’s one opportunity to have some 
say on a confinement that may not only cause significant harm, but could open 
the door to more large-scale corporate farming.
Poignantly, one local organic century farmer employing six people less than two 
miles from the CAFO site emotionally spoke of her angst over the impending 
odors. Mr. Huber outrageously claimed his 7500-head CAFO wouldn’t smell except 
for when manure was applied. Really? He is currently in a lawsuit in Des Moines 
County because neighbors report odors are causing them serious harm. 
Further, the supervisors will not hold a public hearing as they typically do. 
Why? The supervisors said there wasn’t time to organize one according to DNR 
deadlines. However, if they had acted proactively as in the past, there would 
have been plenty of time to do just that.
But, as Supervisor Dimmitt said Monday morning, he’s heard it all before. 
Where our supervisors should have failed this Master Matrix, they failed 
Jefferson County residents by favoring an industrial operation proposed by a 
wealthy businessman and corporate entity that may cause substantial harm to our 
* Correction - An article published in the April 27, 2014 Burlington Hawkeye, 
"Agri-Way Makes Major Commitment" reports the actual number of intended CAFOs 
for southeast Iowa is 48. 

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Jefferson County Farmers & Neighbors, Inc.

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