Yes, it is an analogy and simply reducing it down in narrow formula seems a 
narrow mentation as thinking strictly about it and evidently misses what is 
going on in the experience of the Meissner-like effect (ME) as two or more are 
gathered in proximity meditating. The certainty of the research now should urge 
people out to get their meditations checked and come meditate with the group 
for good reason. JGD


---In, <> wrote :

 The reductionism in linear fashion is simply the square root of 1% which I 
believe is Hagelin's formula which is based on analogy with super radiance in 
lasers. This in turn is loosely correlated with some comment Patanjali made in 
the Yoga Sutras.

 What I think you are doing is trying to fudge the formula, which does not 
appear to work, so that it looks like it works. Fairfield, IA itself has a 
population of about 10,000. 

 One percent is 100 and the square root of 100 is 10, so you only need 10 
people or perhaps a couple of more for the local area doing superradiance. 
Certainly the sidhas in the area can manage that in spite of trying to make a 
post hoc adjustment to make it look as if the formula works.

 It appears the formula really does not work, or if it does, the results are 
not to your liking. Frankly I think Maharishi used it as a ploy to get people 
to keep meditating and doing more advanced programs so they would progress 
toward enlightenment and not slack off.

 When "nature supports" exactly how does that work, and who does it benefit? 
Just the person, or those near them, or everyone around in the area, even 
people who have never even heard of meditation?

 It seems to me nature does what it does regardless, and that we have far less 
influence than we think, because we do not think clearly, don't have a clue as 
to the results of our actions even when we think we are performing "good" 

 I am all for people performing actions that lead in the direction of 
enlightenment, which to me is the realization that our essential nature is 
consciousness and that everything is in fact consciousness. But that doesn't 
say a word about how that knowledge affects the environment, only that it is 
the knowledge that consciousness is the environment.

 On Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 7:45:39 PM GMT, 
[FairfieldLife] <> wrote: 


 No, both your reductionisms are boil down in only linear fashion. The puny 
Dome and the fragmented Fairfield program halls (..eleven (11) program halls 
scattered around the County and also people off by themselves) as numbers are 
just too small for the dull weight they lift.  

 The larger tragedy here is that apparatchiks of the Patterson-Morris-Maharishi 
era let the Dome numbers get so bad. Or that ill-disciplined good meditators 
like some.. abandoned their posts. 

 Superradiance critical mass evidently happens with numbers in proximity. 
Numbers and their proximity is in the basic science from the beginning, like 
the Bible says, where gathered ..there is superradiance. That superradiance 
lives as a reality of spiritual practice evident in the science and by 
experience while the peer science is still good in principle as it is 
replicated. In doubt you seem trying too hard to disgrace those who are here 
and what is at hand in contending simple linear reductions. Quite instead, you 
all should be here meditating for all sorts of good reasons in life. 
 Jai Guru Dev 


---In, <> wrote :

 I was about to put up similar figures. The current estimated population of 
Iowa for 2018 is 3.16 million. 0.01% is 31,600  and √31,600 = 177.763888 which 
means you only need 178 people for program in Iowa.

 So that means if more hogs in Iowa near Fairfield represent the lack of 
support of the laws of nature, then the ME formula is false. Alternately if the 
formula is correct, then the presence of additional hog farms represents 
support of the laws of nature for the greater population of Iowa, and not based 
on the desire of a small contingent community with contrary ideas.

 Again, alternately, were the formula true, and more hogs come, the program 
itself must be faulty and not be implementing the effect.

 Regardless of a small part of the universe, the whole remains in balance. You 
have (at least seeming) control over action alone, never its fruits. This point 
in the Bhagavad-Gita always seems to be forgotten.

 Desiring a certain result and expecting it to always come true is known as 
spiritual materialism, and represents a lack of understanding of the nature of 


 On Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 1:18:27 PM GMT, 
[FairfieldLife] <> wrote: 



 As simple and hopeful as the ME theory sounds, from my calcs, it does not add 

 Iowa has 3 million people.  Square root of .1% = 173. FF has 10,000 so 10 is 
ME threshold number for FF. From what I have read the low range of attendance 
in domes is around 400, which ME predicts should powerfully and positively 
affect across a much larger region, an area of 16 million.  The ME effects in 
FF and Iowa, one would expect from the ME theory to be extraordinary, after 30 
years of constant practice in the domes of at least 400, much larger in some 
eras.  The ME threshold is exceeded by at least a factor of 40 in FF, and a 
factor of 2 - 10 for Iowa over the years. 

 Yet FF and Iowa, on a comparative basis,  do not have exceptional crime 
reduction, or economic performance -- or any other measures that I can find.  
(And per the topic of this thread, CAFOs in Iowa have quadrupled since 2001, 
and are a growing problem negatively affecting the quality of life on many 

 What are the effects of ME in FF and Iowa that are consistent with its 

 And beyond lack of noticeable effects on crime and economy in FF and Iowa,  
are there any studies indicating ME affects climate change? 

 I wish the challenge of climate change was as simple as having groups of ME 
practitioners totaling < 10,000 worldwide. However,  given the above, it does 
not seem credible or plausible. Better perhaps, that people world-wide meditate 
and then act with clearer minds to transform our economies and cultures towards 
a thriving civilization with zero to negative (via sequestration)  greenhouse 
gas emissions  



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