The Trustees are meeting on the 27th The TM-Raja as the likes of corporate VP’s, and some are .org Trustees, have their ‘peace work’ cut out for them to sew up with the community.
May the Providence of the Unified Field help them in their work. ---In, <> wrote : Redeveloping Community Best Practices Bullet Points from the work: Drafting of new ethics policy and grievance procedure Providing a neutral “listening post” and “advocacy service” Provide training on abuse of power for Trustees Facilitate planning sessions for Trustees and Boards of Directors Facilitate regional communication meetings Work to facilitate reconciliation within the org community. Solicit the input of individual members in new ethics policy, grievance procedure, ‘listening post’ and advocate for reporters of harm. Helping fractured communities The White Paper on .org Ethical Misconduct: ---In, <> wrote : With abuse of power and ethical misconduct uncovered in so many organizations (both secular and spiritual) it becomes instructive to see the processes of how professionals who are brought in to redevelop community prioritize their processes of remediation.. # In TM, a two-tier community/organization”. Two-tiered and the holed up in it, A memo forwarded around about the Dome meditation numbers.. Memo: "It would help a lot for visible leaders to come to Group Practice and to the events, so that we are not too much of a two-tier community/organization. We talk about Super-Radiance (SR) every day with people. 95%+ of the time, the people say in reply, "Where are the leaders? Why don't they come to Program?" That is predictably what we are going to hear when we bring up SR to anyone. We hardly even have to ask anymore and hear, "Lead by example" and "walk the talk" is what is expressed. From our side, we don't think people expect leaders to come all the time or even often. But at least once or twice a month would make a huge difference. The Super-Radiance Community Forum poster put up last December asked, "What Will It Take?" We can say with certainty by now, it will take leaders coming to Group Practice is the main thing it will take. There is no question that this is the #1 best and most important idea and project to increase our National Super-Radiance." # ---In, <> wrote : With GenX who grew up in this, from conversation.. “ ..They (the Movement) may offer nothing that creates reparations for the past but they will have to restate what they are and where they are going with it. In these times (w/ social media and #MeToo) they have to be something different. ..If they are not going to give remuneration in reparation but then people do have agency to decide whether to continue with that which went before.. If the .org does not allow the space to account for this then what did the community learn from this? What did it learn and what can it carry forward? What did we value and what in the community does not need to be attached to it? :Find conversation with peers that love meditating and how it enriches your community. The movement may have missed the boat in appropriating ‘knowing God’, and stripping the presentation of spirituality down to “It lowers blood pressure” & ‘stress release’. Misappropriating the spirituality, how do you take that from where it has been stripped and then becomes something else, with administrators? How by contrast? ..Examples readily given in conversation.” ---In, <> wrote : One could be surprised from how far away posts to FFL get read and read by whom. And, relevant posts do get forwarded out to relevant folks also. At times in the history of FFL the considerations here have gotten important traction. That is okay and partly, for lack of access otherwise, is an avenue of how things work in the movement community as a type of check and balance. So it is. Srijau writes: no New York times op-ed mystery here, its all Doug talking to Doug about what Doug is doing - not so much circulating as circular.. looks like you have mastered a kind of self-referral quality there lol. ---In, <> wrote : Olive Branch strengthens organizations by helping leaders understand the role of conflict in organizational health. Nothing so purifying as sunshine.. A place for satsanga re-'mediation'.. help for congregations torn by scandal.. Transparency & Bringing Light in to .orgs "When a beloved leader is accused of wrongdoing, "the entire system is thrown into turmoil. Rage, disbelief, shock, grief and departure are just some of the reactions," These active teachers from LA, NYC and DC each were saying in their own experience that the owners of TM, the Trustees and Raja-class need to be active TM teachers for perspective in running the organizations. Their suggestion is to have the Raja and also the TM-Siddhis course administrators rotate every two months out to the Centers/ Peace Palaces to teach TM alongside experienced teachers to beginners for perspective. That would anchor the teaching and the org instead of the stuff the owners get in to. skymtsea writes: Many spiritual organizations have "back room" stuff that is sanitized, kept out of sight of new members -- but can be disarming when revealed. For me it's an ethical question that should be addressed in non-dual orgs ethics efforts such as Rick is pursuing. Organizations should be encouraged to provide full disclosure. Some orgs a bit more on the fringe than others.. ---In, <> wrote : Evidently the look of the Raja class is a large obstacle to the TM movement. Talking with active TM teachers from LA, DC, and NYC they report a substantial problem for them is while new meditators do like the meditation that it becomes some lot of work to get meditators to take the CIC/siddhis courses, and Then once those may come to Fairfield, go on retreats or look further in to the movement’s Vedic Science web pages and they see the ‘Global Country’ they don’t come back to the centers and go on. The whole patriarchy thing is too evidently some strange sect appearing as something of religion of ‘Vedic Science’ of sorts. A cult? Tone? ‘Caste’ is a form of social stratification characterized by endogamy, hereditary transmission of a lifestyle which often includes an occupation, status in a hierarchy, customary social interaction, and exclusion. Wikipedia ---In, <> wrote : Yes, in a way with only a few hundred TM teachers working, this stage now is more like the later 1960’s and early 1970’s where a few TM teachers fanned out, were lecturing and a movement in popular culture came of it. Although whence that movement was about deep rest and mental potential this version comes with Rajas and Vedic studies. ---In, <> wrote :