Meditation brings wisdom;
 lack of meditation leaves ignorance.
 Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back,
 and choose the path that leads to wisdom.  -The Buddha

---In, <> wrote :

 Meditate and Act

 Meditation with activity has always been the TM teaching (B.Gita II v 48).  
This teaching was one of the things also used to convince a change in the 
administration policy at a point to modify the ‘long’ IAAssembly morning 
program rounds to get it all shortened down more to what it is now with the 
idea according to the teaching to get them out of there and in to the world and 
community before the mid-day and to give them longer in the afternoon to ‘do 
things’ of life and be in the community. 
 That was important to have happen at the time for people’s health and general 
wellbeing. The long program the way it was enforced was turning folks in to 
pale renunciates in front of us here in the community. Then it is just a matter 
of how people may use their time between meditations. Turning compost for 
health is not a bad use of time. Meditate and perform action.  Communicating 
this by FFL was an effective element at the time in turning this around for the 
better. .
 Jai Guru Dev

---In, <> wrote :

 I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying on 
people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc. 
 Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump
 From: <> 
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social 
media, the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to 
gather info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the 
membership guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially 
long interrogation. 
 One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
promote with BATGAP.     
 The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these written 
guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce them in 
detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, wordsmithed 
over the years either to exclude people and they have been reduced somewhat to 
include peoples who were separated from the group by guideline. The remaining 
exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not simply as to whether 
someone is a practitioner or not. There are three written clauses remaining 
that still are in there that can stick in the craw of the larger meditating 
 The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers the 
url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and relevant 
in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had its 
effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.
 May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature 
towards overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal 
Dome meditation attendance numbers.  Jai Guru Dev 
<> wrote :
 So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and 
exclude them if they feel inclined? 
 Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other 
teachers up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I wanted 
to be, but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still go to the 
dome. A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap interview and 
we sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them with other faculty 
in his department sometimes. 
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump
 From: <> 
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and meditate. 
Times vary.
 A: Evidently a lot of people feel this way also about meditating with the TM 
group, not turning out for what was superradiance
 of the group. 
 The numbers in the Dome meditation are incredibly low now.
 A radical transcendentalist's response to excuses, like the.. 
  This Insulting Frenchman's:
 ---In, <> wrote :
 banned from the Domes..
 It is time to start with the membership guidelines anew with a clean sheet of 
 Examples of adapting policy:
 The ‘Adhesion Contract’.. 
 Back in 2012 I incited getting the ridiculous 4 pages ‘course agreement’ down 
more essentially to two pages of text. 
 All that is needed to run a residence course or group meditation is the 
ability to remove disruptive people. The 'course agreement' as it was written 
by apparatchiks trying to be ‘legal’ with everything in their minds and all 
their concerns including the kitchen sink thrown in, their course agreement was 
trying to catch, coerce or punish people to line on all kinds of creed stuff 
otherwise unrelated to being on a course, assembly or in a group meditation. 
The agreement was embarrassing as it was ridiculous as a ‘human resources’ 
 I pointed this out to reasonable minds and it was written down to what was 
more essential to running the facility and course with people. One sheet of 
paper, two sides for signature.   
 Blue jeans were once banned from the Domes. That changed. 
<> wrote :
 Thanks for the response,  
 Yes, you are right about a practical need to regulate the running of a course 
assembly or group meditation. 
 The practical Regulating of Disruptive behavior is written in to the legal 
course agreement that gets signed as people get badges that allows course 
administrators a discretion to remove disruptive folks. There is a communal 
practicality to that. 
 That “course agreement” is different than the written guidelines for 
membership (Dome badge) application to the group. 
 Om by the way, that 'course agreement' document that had developed into a 
piled-on cobbled and complex Four page document of legalese (what is called in 
common law an abusive 'adhesion contract') got cut down to one sheet of paper, 
the sheet of paper agreement that is what they use now to have people sign as 
they come in to get Dome badges. That change is an example of work in progress 
that can occur within TM. 
 Jai Guru Dev
<> wrote :
 Our ™ group offers what?  
 The written guidelines to the Domes have for years not been inviting to a 
larger community practice here.  The guidelines as they have been cobbled and 
word-smithed together have not served us well, at all. 
 The guidelines must, need to be written down to simple: 1) Did someone learn 
the ™ technique and programs? 2) If folks come to the Dome is that what they 
will do?  If yes on both accounts then say ‘welcome’. Be magnanimous and even 
say, ‘thank you’ for being with the group. 
 Get rid of the remaining old jealousies that are cultural written still into 
the guidelines which have right at nothing to do with the either the practice 
or running a group meditation or residence/assembly course but are there as 
purely administrative coercive and punitive ideas of other things of some 
people’s creeds. To approach the communal problem with the Dome numbers the 
guidelines must be changed to such a place that they may be publishable on a 
web page. Now.
<> wrote :
 Thanks for the replies from several of you. 
 The membership (Dome badge) guideline problem
 The need is to write the membership guidelines anew, start with a clean sheet 
of paper. Right now. New. Don’t just edit and wordsmith the old ones.   
 Go with “Name, Rank, and Serial number”. Simply, Did someone start ™ and learn 
the ™ program practices and if they would come to the Domes that is what is 
practiced as these Domes are facilitated. Thank you very much.  
 Don’t try to wordsmith the old ones anymore. Raja Hagelin did that again more 
recently retreating with (..) whispering in his ear this last spring and it did 
not improve on the essential problem of these old jealousies that are stuck in 
the written guidelines as they are cobbled.  
 Notice also: The ‘course agreement’ that people sign as they get badges is a 
different doc than ‘the guideline for (Dome badge) membership  application’ . 
 Don’t confuse either document for ‘the purity of the teaching’. 
 ‘Effortless meditation’ is the purity of the teaching. Policy as guideline 
only facilitates the teaching but they are not the same thing. Too many 
tru-believers conflate the two and have caused all kinds of trouble.  Maharishi 
modified changing policy all the time based on what was at hand. Metrics. 
 It is time to do that now to save superradiance meditation. Rajas: ‘Run it 
like a business’? 
<> wrote :
 Hey, I am a satisfied customer of the practice of the ™ program. I know my 
experience with it. Questioning the character of my experience with it? I thank 
the Providence in the large Nature of the Unified Field for my having come 
across it in my life time as a spiritual practice. 
 Now, the behavior of some in the .org and how poorly or well the metics of 
their facilitating what is here as a community in this larger enterprise of 
superradiance is another question entirely.> wrote :
 In, salsunshineiniowa@ wrote :
 I can’t believe you or anybody else still goes out of their way to be part of 
a group of aging yahoos who still believe in expelling people from their 
clique, despite abundant evidence almost nobody wants to be IN said clique, and 
hasn’t for many years.  Hear they’re up to around 300 these days, even with the 
MUM students...pathetic.
 “Provisional” dome How’s the mold doing in there by the way? 
 Then again, a friend tells me it’s still a good place to sleep, so there is 
<> wrote :
 They gave me a ‘provisional’ Dome badge. 
 Okay, I am back in the Dome meditation again with the group. 
 In the interviewing, the more grave concerns were in three jealousies embedded 
in the written guidelines, that posts here on FairfieldLife could be seen as 
‘promoting’ other practices, also the giving an indication of money going to 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish/ yagya, and then what cursory promotion of Ravi Shankar 
there could be seen here from describing (a journalism of) any of these as 
being part of what is going on in the meditating community of ‘spiritual’ 
Fairfield. FairfieldLife posts, news and social media/facebook otherwise get 
read actively by an investigating staff. 
 This is not like going in to a Saudi Embassy in Turkey for papers but an 
intelligence gathering about people works similarly because of guidelines as 
they are written and a staff that is hired to investigate these guidelines. 
 Srijau writing: you compare to the House of Saud. disgusting.
<> wrote :
 In the last few of weeks of processing since I was denied an updated sticker 
or new Dome badge people here generally on hearing word of this would respond, 
“..are they still doing that?” and then relate their own experience and fears 
with this. 
 These last few days in Fairfield I have run across people who recently 
updated/got their badges and when hearing about the written guideline over 
‘money’ going to ‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish/yagya, remarked “opps”, that they had. 
 Another just the other day, had an ‘inexpensive’ ‘non-Maharishi’ yagya done 
otherwise, also recently updated with a new badge and can meditate now in the 
Dome group meditation in fear of being found out. 
 I have advocated more recently with a direct hand for four successfully 
renewed badge people urging them to/having them get Dome badges.  Aggregate 
numbers, superradiance, towards a more critical mass. Jai Guru Dev. 
 The process just let someone else in who they did not know about into the 
Domes who visits/sees Ravi Shankar quite a lot. 
 These are each people (example) whether 'persisting' visiting other 
saints/spiritual people or having bought 'non-Maharishi' jyotish and yagya who 
can come and do, willingly do, the TM program with the group. And, will do so 
if so long as they are 'not found out' and separated from the group...   
<> wrote :
 This is very much in the purvey now of TM’s Trustees and Raja class, as 
something like the House of Saud is hierarchical and organized. Hopefully our 
Trustees and Raja of the ™ .org can get the guidelines for membership down 
simply to whether someone learned the programs and would come to the group 
meditations doing those. Simple. May the grace of Providence of the Unified 
Field free us all from what long oppression the Dome group meditation numbers 
have suffered of those written guidelines. Jai Guru Dev 
<> wrote :
 Dear Ones, 
 I am very sorry and apologetic that Maharishi has told conflicting instruction 
of such different things to different groups and individuals that this has left 
you here to enforce a cobbled (wordsmithed) set of guidelines for our 
superradiance membership.  Guidelines that have not served you or our 
meditating community well.
 The essential guideline of course is at the bottom of the printed guidelines: 
Only Maharishi’s techniques are permitted to be practiced in the program halls.
 Which essentially would entail an applicant having learned ™ and the 
TM0-Sidhis at some point.
 However, having now had the guidelines for membership read out to me on more 
than one occasion and also having read the guidelines directly there are three 
embedded jealousies which are cultural that stand out in the guidelines. These 
continue to be essentially corrosive to our communal superradiance experience.
 . .
 Everyone living in Fairfield should be very concerned about the metrics of the 
Dome meditation numbers and how it goes for them for many good reasons.  
 Inside the administration there presents manifest an administrative fear that 
evidently is now creed and cultural as bound to a ‘sufficiency’ in people going 
out to visit other teachers and saints along with a subjective enforcement over 
those ‘who persist in seeking council or audience’, possibly too much? There 
also is the old fear of and a whole long animosity with Ravi Shankar by name; 
and third, a jealousy with monies people may spend ($) on ‘Non-Maharishi’ 
jyotish and yagya.
 These three jealousies: persistence in visiting saints and spiritual teachers, 
money that is spent on non-Maharishi jyotish and yagya, and Ravi Shankar by 
name as they are left written in to our guidelines for membership will require 
the continued employment of your investigations in to the private lives of 
people, an investigating that has as tool a coercion and punishment with our 
Dome superradiance membership. With your enforcement auspice having become 
something of a collection agency this has not gone well for you with the 
attendance numbers.  
 While the essential guideline about the practice is at the bottom of the 
written guidelines, one can feel really badly for such the position of a 
needless picking of fight with the community that some are in with consequent 
to the communal Dome numbers. It is like you all do not really believe the 
implications of all the research on value and spiritual necessity of 
superradiance in life. Hopefully with better reason prevailing and the 
providence of the Unified Field our community can get beyond the jealousies and 
thrive together in superradiance once again.   
 Jai Guru 
<> wrote :
 As I relate the workings of the Dome meditation application process to people 
in the community here there are now plenty of exhibits as evidence of Maharishi 
quotes on the subject of visiting other spiritual teachers coming forth out of 
the community. 
 Evidently the administrative (TM) movement is in a bad place with the 
meditating community and with superradiance metrics in a way that their 
policies appear pitiable given the potential of what it could be and could have 
 May the Unified Field help us all with an undoing of this conundrum they and 
we are in. JGD.
 “..keep company with the saints (sants), mahàtmàs, and the wise (vidvànta), 
so that your human birth will be fruitful.”  -Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda 
Saraswati (SBS), Maharishi's teacher.
<> wrote :
 Within Fairfield superradiance and the group meditation evidently we have a 
membership problem in TM which is of policy that is cultural, where the 
guidelines for membership in the group’s superradiance are actively used tools 
of coercion and punishment. The Raja and ownership Trustees as enfranchised 
could change that. The superradiance buck stops there with the TM Raja now.  
 this becomes MMY’s great legacy along the line with George Fox or Jesus 
Christ, "Where two or more are gathered..". This modern development, of natural 
sciences correlating with transcendentalism in modern time as to the practical 
role of collective meditation, not only an individual experience is compelling 
in transcendental meditationism but now by virtue of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's 
articulation there is the evident science of collective practice of meditation 
on the whole.---In, <> wrote :
 You can’t go to the Dome group meditation without a badge. The Dome, it was a 
nice place to meditate. Spiritually activated and extraordinary really .  
 It has been my honor to have served with so many meditators in the group 
meditation in Fairfield, Iowa, to have been part of this transcendent 
meditationist superradiance group here these last many years. So it is.  Jai 
Guru Dev 
<> wrote :
 This Last Global Group Meditation of Sept. evidently is to be my last day 
meditating in the Dome with the group. My current Badge expired that day and my 
Badge has not been renewed.  
 There came an hour long application interview for badge updating recently 
whence they asked me questions about how I feel about yogic flying and also of 
some of what is written here on such a public forum (FFL) for consideration 
that may describe Fairfield as what spiritual place that Fairfield is, which 
may be seen as ‘promotion’ of other teachers. There are written guidelines for 
membership that get read out in the interview end. So it is. FairfieldLife. In 
leaving the interview they instruct, "We will call you". And they do not call, 
as a kind of silent passive aggressive way of their not having to say to you 
that you are unacceptable to them and their guidelines. 
<> wrote :
 Global Group Meditation, Sunday 5pm CST 
 The TM® Technique
 Please Join Us for the Next Global TM Group Meditation
 Sunday, Sept. 30, 4:00 pm CDT
 Men's Peace Palace
 1040 N. 4th Street
 Fairfield, IA 52556
 Knowledge • TM Checking • Global Group Meditation
 4:00 pm —  Maharishi: “Love, the Tender Impulse of Life” (20 min)
 4:30 pm — Group TM® Checking
 5:05 pm — Global Group Meditation
 5:35 pm — Special video presentation by Dr. Fred Travis (12 min)
 Please register by replying to this email to let us know you will be 
attending. You are invited to participate in any or all of the evening’s events.
 Enjoy great company and pure knowledge
 Please plan to arrive by 4:00 pm CDT, or slip in quietly for the Group 
Meditation that will start promptly at 5:05 pm CDT. Also, if you cannot make it 
to the Center, but will start your meditation at the same time as the group and 
wish to be counted, please let us know.
 Special video presentation
 Dr. Fred Travis is a world-renowned neuroscientist who conducted 
ground-breaking research on the study of consciousness and the mind-body 
connection. He is one of the leading scientists studying the effects of the 
Transcendental Meditation technique on brain functioning. In his video, titled 
“Effects of Group Meditation on Individual Brain Functioning and on Collective 
Consciousness,” he explores the effects of our Global Group Meditation on 
individual brain functioning and on collective consciousness.
 Two other videos will be played:
 ·  “Love, the Tender Impulse of Life” — Maharishi goes deeply into the 
understanding of love as it relates not only to experiences in meditation, but 
also to its evolutionary role as an essential quality of consciousness.

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