This may twist a few minds....

 Some of the greatest devotees of Lord Vishnu in history were asuras, Prahlada 
and Vibhishana to name two.

 The six internal enemies, called Arishadvargas, are always nipping at our 
 1. kama — lust
 2. krodha — anger
 3. lobha — greed
 4. moha — delusory emotional attachment or temptation
 5. mada — pride, hubris, (being possessed by)
 6. matsarya — envy, jealousy

 What differentiates devatas from the asuras?
 The asuras chase and embrace these qualities, whereas the Devatas shun them 
and choose only Jnana(Knowledge) and the Lord.
 Liberated or not in a human form, these dogs are there. Yogis can and do 
succumb to them.

 Now think about this...

 Asuras love and chase powers....TMO Siddhi program.

 To take credit for and thinking they are the ones creating positive changes in 
the world is "Mada".
 How does attempting to create a World Government with a new currency not fit 
into these categories?

 The wise shun the siddhis.

 If one were to study Puranic literature, they would see that siddhis are boons 
given by the Gods and Goddess' because of devotion. 

 To chase after them to gain powers is an asuric tendency.

 Not judging as I was chasing them as well.



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