Link to beautiful Sanskrit prayer with lyrics and meaning below. Jaya Guru 
 guru caraṇaṁ namata mudā
 śirasi śubhaṁ dharata sadā


 bhava haraṇaṁ jaya karaṇaṁ
 agha samanaṁ vinata dhanaṁ
 śruti vinutaṁ hṛdi viditaṁ
 ruci ruciraṁ racita varaṁ ...1









 navamapiyat bahu jaraṭhaṁ
 sthiramapiyat tribhuvanagaṁ
 mitamapiyat miti rahitaṁ
 dvayamapiyat dvayavigataṁ ...2












 nanusarasi pravilīnaṁ
 muninicayai ranavāptaṁ
 kratusamaye punarēvaṁ
 tridaśavarai rapināptaṁ ....3









 sphurati muhūr madhita hṛdi
 harati śucaṁ sphurati yadi
 apica padē hatavipadi
 lagayatiyat kila sapadi ...4









 sahyāgire sānuvare
 vedatate rapiśikhare
 dhāvatiyat bahu dūre
 bhātica me hṛdi yadare ...5







 aruṇa talaṁ viśada nakhaṁ
 kamala nibhaṁ kamanīyaṁ
 raviruciraṁ śaśisubhagaṁ
 mṛdu madhuraṁ mama sulabhaṁ….6









 yadavāpārjuna rājo 

 yadalarko vāpatadā 
 yadidānī maha māpā 
 saccidānandākṛti tat ....7




 Respectfully bow to Guru’s feet and place those auspicious feet on your head.

 They liberate from the chain of births and deaths.  They always confer 
victory, dispel sins, and grant wealth to those who take refuge in them.  The 
heart alone can understand their greatness.  These lovely feet grant boons.
 Though they appear new, they are very ancient. Though they appear to be fixed 
in one place, they travel all over the three worlds.  Though they seem to be 
limited, they are in reality limitless. Though they appear two, they are non 
 Datta’s feet walked on and under the water, but the sages could not obtain 
them. Likewise during Parashurama’s fire sacrifice, the Devatas (angels) could 
not obtain them.
 Datta’s feet will shine in the mind of whoever churns His heart. The moment 
they shine, sorrows get destroyed. His feet take us to the supreme abode where 
there is no suffering of any kind.
 Datta’s feet, visualized in the valleys of the Sahyadri Mountains and referred 
to in the Upanishads (the pinnacle of the Vedas), shall remain effulgent in my 
 The lovely feet of Datta are red and His nails are flawless. Datta’s feet are 
exquisite like a lotus.  They shine like the sun and are beautiful like the 
moon. Those sweet and tender feet are easily accessible.
 Both Kartavirya Arjuna and Alarka, the famous kings, attained fulfillment by 
attaining these very feet of Datta. Those revered feet are in the form of 
Sachchidananda which I have fortunately attained.

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