Some news, from Sustainable Living having left given up on FF and headed out 
into the world.. 

 “..I hope all is well with you.


 Wonderful things are happening here in Flint. The Te Deum which I composed, 
commissioned by the Univ of Wisconsin Catholic Center for their centennial, was 
done here in November, with three choirs and members of the Flint Symphony 
Orchestra, as part of a concert series at St Paul's Episcopal Church. There is 
more cooperation on the ground here in Flint than any other place I have lived, 
including Minneapolis,  Madison, and Chicago. Yo Yo Ma, the cellist, is 
planning a lecture at U M in Ann Arbor in Feb, and a day of Action in Flint the 
next day ( Feb 27 and 28), on the theme of culture's contribution to the 
renewing of a city. I'm hoping to be part of that.

 My church, Asbury United Methodist, and its CDC, has built  nine hoop houses, 
drilled two wells with solar pumping, and has 64 city lots actively or on the 
way to urban agriculture.  The pastor is a former software executive who gave 
up that career to serve a challenged neighborhood, and has brought his skills 
to the East side of Flint. Many college and other volunteer groups have come 
here to put in days of work.

 A couple weeks ago, Kerry Edwards became the highest ranking black female fire 
official in the country in her promotion to deputy fire chief. I was at the 
reception and had my picture taken with her. Such a gracious individual, 
respected by everyone that I know of.

 There is still severe blight, crime and government corruption, but this place 
is inspiring.  

 Please excuse me for blowing our horn. Things are really happening here.

 Also,  just to acknowledge your work in communication in Fairfield, what a 
dignified and worthwhile thing to do. Thank you. 


 “..the dispersion of any people from their original homeland.”

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