Hey, Bob Brigante, Did you say Exc. Bevan Morris has a million dollar marble bathroom.??
    Why should Maharishi be afraid of CIA.??
From: "TurquoiseB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 12:30:13 -0000
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: the false guru test 
  Bob has a tendency to redefine words and concepts to match his preconceptions. So 'service' in this case may be his tendency to relieve his followers of the burden of that hotbed of evil, money.  :-)
  It's similar to his redefinition of what 'not living in luxury' means. For example, when Maharishi came to L.A. to film the Merv show (the one that Clint was on) and made us rent the entire floor of the Beverly  Wilshire hotel so that he wouldn't have to see any of the rabble while he was there, that must have fallen into the category of "Any comfort extended to him since then was from people who were grateful for his wisdom and his generous service to the world."
  And when he then went further and made us go to the hotel management and insist that they rent us the rooms on top of and under Maharishi's room, because he was so paranoid that he thought the CIA would rent them to snoop on him, that must have been because he was trying to protect unwary people from being too near his holy aura.  :-)
  Only one person actually stayed in any of the rooms that were rented -- Maharishi.  The bill came to some-thing just over $200,000, for four days.  This was all at his personal direction.  If anyone's being 'generous' here, I'd say it's Maharishi being awfully generous about frittering away money he *could* have used to actually help people learn TM.

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