Sunday, August 25: Community Group Meditation followed by social in the Golden 
Dome Market Cafe
 Sunday, August 25, our second Community Group Meditation will be held at all 
11 local group meditation halls: 9 for TM-Sidhi practice, and 2 for 
Transcendental Meditation practice. 

Community Group Meditations for TM Meditators are at 5 PM on the second floor 
of the Orpheum Building on Broadway Avenue (near the square, south hallway), 
and in the MUM Campus Peace Palace. A Group Check will also take place at the 
Peace Palace at 4:30 PM. 
 TM-Sidhas begin Group Practice as usual in their ten local halls at 5 PM.   
 The Super-Radiance Social for both the Women’s and Men’s Domes will be held 
right after Community Group Meditation, upstairs in the Golden Dome Cafe, as it 
was in July, supplemented by Everybody’s Whole Foods’ major generous layout of 
savories and snacks. 
 “Our National Coherence-Creating Group was established 40 years ago, in August 
of 1979, after the Amherst World Peace Assembly, to help prevent and reduce 
social, political, and cultural tensions. If enough TM-Sidhas and Meditators 
enjoy that bliss in togetherness enough of the time, it will work,” said Mary 
Cathryn Olsen of the Super-Radiance Action Team (SAT). 
 The Super-Radiance Action Team invites each practitioner of the TM and 
TM-Sidhi Program to enjoy Community Group Meditation and help build National 
Super-Radiance attendance at a time when it is so obviously needed. 

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