An address given by a Christ messenger through the deep trance mediumship 
of Miss Winifred Moyes, at the Greater World Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, 
London, SW12, on Sunday, 1st February, 1925.
 "That brings me down to the whole meaning and purpose of our Father God 
dwelling amongst us; that purpose of demonstrating to those on earth that Love 
stopped at nothing in order to express Itself, and to bring reassurance to the 
little children who wandered hither and thither in ignorance, or in spiritual 
 "There is one other point which I cannot leave untouched, and that is in 
regard to the great and holy men who, by many, have been looked upon as God, or 
as an expression of God upon earth.
 "There is not one, from the strongest to the weakest, who has ever helped 
another to live more spiritually who has not gained the direct blessing of God. 
And these great teachers who, to an enormous extent, influenced the minds and 
lives of their fellows - these great and holy sons of God have entered into 
unspeakable conditions, have gathered unto themselves those rarest gifts of the 
Spirit and are centred in Love Divine for evermore.
 "As you know, theories and dogma and doctrines are swept over the borders by 
the strong wind of purity and holiness of thought, and in your minds you are 
perfectly right to give honour where honour is due. But there is one thing 
which I must emphasise tonight: Following on my statement that it is the 'life' 
that counts, then I ask you to take the life of Our Lord from childhood until 
the physical end, and to compare it point by point with those others - and you 
will find that Christ stands alone.
 "I am not speaking of His miracles, of the power He had over the elements or 
over the wayward hearts of the children of the earth - I am speaking of that 
simple, patient life of service, that great Heart, that perfect charity and 
forgiveness, that perfection of Love - and I say to you all, dear children, 
that you have your answer there. Yet, in so saying, I belittle not the great 
and holy lives of others - the sacrifices, the stern self-discipline - they 
are, as I said, centred in Love Divine for ever and for ever. But there was One 
who was greater than these, greater and simpler too.
 "Keep that simplicity definitely in your minds because it so expresses Love in 
its highest form - the Love that could strip itself of everything - everything 
that makes physical life bearable to a sensitive soul - and in poverty, in 
loneliness of mind, He trod His earthly way, shedding those imperishable 
flowers of holiness and tenderness. And when every prophet shall be forgotten 
as such, He who was stoned for expressing Truth, He shall remain enshrined - I 
do not say 'enthroned' - but 'enshrined' in the hearts of His children because 
He expresses Love - unlimited Love - and Love has to be answered by us all… 
yea, even by those who as yet know nothing of the meaning of Love. But so great 
is that Love that it shall draw them in and raise them up, for the patience of 
our Father God, has no beginning and no end..."

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