"The founder and leader of the church, Mary Baker Eddy, taught that disease 
was unreal" 

 Ah, beware dogmatic extremists! 

 I can recall when I lived in Mentmore Towers in the mid 80s (British TMHQ), 
there was a word sometimes used for those few chaps who refused any form of 
medical treatment – strainers. Bless them! One friend of mine was told by a 
doctor that if he didn’t receive treatment he would die. Thank goodness he 
 When I was in the ISCON I remember a friend of mine dying because someone told 
him to fast even though his diet was already poor. 

 I practice and benefit from the TM Sidhi form of meditation. I washed the 
saucepans at night in a restaurant near the TM Academy I lived in in order to 
pay for the Sidhi course. However, I am also one who appreciates the following 
gentle call to meditation to those in days gone by. 
 Taken from a lovely little book entitled: "Christ in You" by an unknown spirit 
messenger published in 1919 and still in print today.
 THE voice of spirit is far-reaching. It is the expression of omnipresence, and 
is both near and far. It knows nothing of space, but for the present we must 
deal with beginnings. Perhaps it would be as well to help you at your present 
stage of unfoldment. It is absolutely necessary that you should have times of 
quiet,(1) that you should come out from the business of life for a part of each 
day. If you were to wait in silence, holding the attitude of growth and steady 
development, thinking above all else of the kingdom of God — your condition 
should not be one of strain or of blank nothingness, avoid both these extremes 
— the result would be of the highest value to yourself and to all around you.
 Hold in your heart, the true place of understanding, a stillness which is 
alive, like the heart of the rose.  The God powers within you would assert 
themselves; crooked things would become straight, rough places plain. All 
smallness and discord quietly but surely would drop away and have no longer any 
power. To spirit, stagnation is impossible. The creative energy is constant 
activity within. All outside energy is waste and hindrance. As you quietly(2) 
wait upon God, the breath of life renews each particle of the body by its 
silent, orderly activity.
 1 Matt. xiv. 23. 
 And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself 
to pray. When evening came, he was there alone.
 Mark i. 35.
 And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and 
went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.
 Mark vi. 31, 46.
 And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a 
 And after he had taken leave of them, he went up on the mountain to pray.
 2 Job xxxiii. 4.
 The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

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