--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mrfishey2001" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Any idiot who had only read "Buddhism For Dummies"
> (and yes, there is such a book, and strangely enough
> it's actually pretty good) could come up with a dozen
> things in Bevan's talk that indicate he has never even
> read that much about the subject, or if he has, he was
> too involved in projecting Maharishi's ideas *onto* the
> subject to understand what the subject was."
> It is considered good practice when writing criticism to first 
> establish a credible foundation. Citing "Buddhism For Dummies" 
> weakens your critique by referencing a text some consider less 
> than scholarly.  

Says someone who has obviously never read the 
book in question.  I was serious; it's actually
very well done, as are many of the books in that
series.  I was shocked at how well the editors
put together a concise, accurate overview of

My original point (the quote dredged up from the
archives by Willytex, who is obviously off his
meds again, is mine) was that Bevan, in the talk that
is being referred to, had obviously not even read
"Buddhism for Dummies," or, in my opinion, any-
thing about Buddhism, period.  I suspect that,
like many TMers, he just assumed that he knew
all about that path because he practiced TM and 
that is "the highest path."  Just as you assumed
that it was Ok to trash a book you've never read
because of its pop-culture title.  Elitists tend
to think alike.  :-)

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