On Jan 25, 2006, at 7:03 PM, bdadvaitin wrote:

I just came across a book in a health food store in Portland, Maine

by Edward Tarabilda entitled, "Ayurveda Revolutionized." I remember

him when I was a first year student at MIU back in 1975-1976.

It mentions that he co-founded "The Institute for Wholistic Education"

which is based in Twin Lakes, WI.  It also says tht he is the founder

of the Art of Multi-Dimensional Living and this knowledge is available

through NEW U which has a mailing address in Fairfield.  I checked out

the website and discovered that he passed away in 1999 from a heart

attack while playing tennis. Does anyone know about the institute 

which by the way has an Ayurvedic correspondence course, hence my

interest, or about NEW U?

Ed later went on to found the Science of "psychobiocosmosis" IIRC. He put out a number of booklets detailing an overview of this science. I remember one on astrology contained his predictions on the patterns that were to unfold. One involved mercury and the unfoldment of inter-communication a la the internet for the current era. He also predicted, I believe accurately, the rise of interest in "reality TV". He had a good number of predictions based on his system that were accurate or seemed like they should happen. Ed did three Jyotish charts for me based on his system of psychobiocosmosis. They were very accurate in terms of my own personality and spiritual motivations. He attributed all the various yogas to the planets and felt that each person had a predominant influence or a combination thereof these planetary propensities. By knowing what they were we could gain insight into our own path and our place in the cosmos. It was pretty cool. Before he died, he planned on setting up a school/university to further his ideas. The only bizarre thing was, the pattern was so similar the the commercial unfoldment of SCI into the later TM movement, with commercial potential, etc. you couldn't help but notice the parallels. In fact I have noticed this similar parallel in a number of movement types--often old teachers--who have schemes (often trademarked or with catchy names) which sadly mirrored TMO excesses, even if only in seed form.

It proved to me that if the underlying and deepest motivation was not pure, the result would ultimately reflect this. Therefore it was always important to "check" your own motivation. It forms the basis of all action in the relative.

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