On Feb 3, 2006, at 11:02 AM, Premanand Paul Mason wrote:

Vaj, you ask 'What do we know of pre-Shank. public lectures?'

It is said that prior to his becoming Shankaracharya, Guru Dev did 

not make public lectures. Supporting this is the quote from Raj 

Varma's book 'Strange Facts of a Great Saint':-

'Then Maharaj Shri himself said "I am not in the habit of giving 

discourses but if any question comes, then adequate answer will be 

given to it."'

About Guru Dev's private teachings, well Raj also wrote:-

'Devotedly I performed the puja of Maharaj Shri and he gave me a 

suitable mantra to repeat daily in a particular way. I was very 

grateful to him and bowed down at the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev.'


& MMY himself said:-

'It's very difficult for me to find out what he was using, huh? 

[laughter from audience] Because initiation is all in private ...'


So in other words, his real teachings remain a mystery. We might conclude however from Swami Rama's account that he shared some form of tantric sadhana for everyone--simple mantra for lay people and lower castes, higher teachings for twice borns--while maintaining Vedic and scriptural norms/precepts.

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