In a message dated 2/9/06 11:15:01 P.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Obviously Kennedy shouldn't have approved the wiretaps
> in the first  place--at least morally; it was legal for
> him to do so--and apparently he  did so reluctantly.
> But how MDixon thinks the FBI's vastly worse  behavior
> reflects badly on *Teddy* Kennedy, who has been  outspokenly
> opposed to Bush's ILLEGAL wiretapping of many thousands  of
> Americans, is really hard to figure.
> Absolutely incredible.

Not so incredible once you know the way this woman thinks.

She supports old racist and segregationists like Al Gore Sr. who
voted against the Civil Rights Act because she'll defend Democrats
uber alles.

What I found incredible was that She can defend to the hilt or apologize for Robert Kennedy who was allowing the spying on of an American civil rights leader who did no harm to anybody but became the closest thing to an American saint. Yet, bash Bush using his authority to protect American citizens from acts of terrorism like we saw on 911 and for years prior to that. I would just like Judy to tell me the name of one American citizen that has been spied on illegally. Perhaps Al Qaida needs a *bill of rights*. I really believe in my heart of hearts that America's most liberal are really pissed that terrorism hasn't hit home again big time just so they can blame it on Bush.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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