Indeed, once one realizes the Eight Freedoms (ashtauvimoksa) the first two realizations are just this, the freedom of the formed observation of form and the freedom of the formless observation of form.

On Feb 12, 2006, at 7:24 PM, qntmpkt wrote:

Basically Tendrel contains the understanding of "the inter-

determinate nature of all that exists". In accordance with general 

Buddhist ideas the rules governing the cause and effect nature of 

existence in turn imply compounded nature of everything that exists 

together with the moment-to-moment-changing-nature. Asanga (c. 395-

470), one of the two most important Buddhist philosophers, set forth 

the rules of the interrelationship between subject-object, implying 

that the object does not exist in and by itself independently of the 

experiencing subject, because the root of the object is no different 

from the root of the subject.

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