I agree with what Patrick Gillam wrote
Those days that people searched for strange and amazing events within the deep forests of Himalayas, mountains and other places where adepts lived are over.
Today we are witnessing all sorts of siddhis from invisibility to levitation , reading minds and ...etc. ( I know friends that have started levitating - They stay floated in the air for minutes)
Therefore what Yogananda has written in his book is beautiful and interesting yet is noting new these days and we see people are in need of further advance techniques for their desires and progress in life.
Package of Techniques must be prepared for this thirst.
This is called real business.
We are all aware that we live in a world which has reached its own evolutionary climax. This stage can be best explained in a
summarized , concentrated and Sutric form as the word ""BUSINESS""
I hope that the ones who read this mail will enjoy the Dept - Sweetness and the Beauty of that which is kept hidden within its context.
Enjoy your life where ever you are
Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Feb 13, 2006, at 3:46 PM, Patrick Gillam wrote:
Vincent J. Daczynski devotes his site to amazingabilities much as Yogananda devoted his autobiographyto anecdotes of the realized. At one time, such storiesinspired me because I felt I would achieve such thingsmyself. Now my attitude seems to have changed.Now I'm not too keen on hearing isolated stories ofthis adept here and that healer there. These anomaliesmay point to untapped human potential, but nowthat people have been doing self-developmentpractices for decades, I'm more interested infinding out works for them.It's like these studies that put one Buddhist monkin an MRI and show the amazing results. What's thatmean? I have to live in a monastery for 30 years tobe happy? When you figure out how to packagethe bliss, buddy, let me know.That said, I wonder if there's a way to capitalizeon these super abilities in the context of ourentertainment-oriented culture. Create a competitionor something. A yogic Olympics, maybe?If you did, you'd just create attachment to the outward stroke. If "it" (the siddhi) becomes an object, you immediately fall into ignorance IMO.These are normally experienced as signs of progress *spontaneously* unless there is a specific reason you are cultivating a certain manifestation of energy (e.g. tummo) and maintaining a specific POV to use it..02 USD
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