--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jyouells2000" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WLeed3@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Well, I'm of a different opinion. I'd probably be quite
> > > (over)sensative to any Scandinavian jokes if the rest of
> > > the world was ripping our wealth from us harrasing us
> > > infiltrating our governments hunting us fighting us invading
> > > us humiliating us forcing us to our knees. They are
> > > desperate. I can see it is very comforting looking at
> > > them as being different from and inferior to us. Sooner
> > > or later a whiplash is bound to occur though, that's common
> > > sense. Better make it softer by not creating any more
> > > terrible karma. Arrogance can only last so long.
> >
> > It's lasted for almost 800 years, since the
> > Crusades. And with reason. Muslims have been
> > treated like the niggers of the world since
> > then, starting with a systematic campaign on
> > the part of Europeans to put them down and
> > regard them as less than human after those
> > same Europeans got their butts kicked in the
> > Crusades themselves.
> >
> > That said, what we're talking about is, in
> > Buddhist terminology, *attachment*. The people
> > who are overreacting to these cartoons are
> > angry because they are *attached* to their
> > beliefs. They cannot tell the difference
> > between someone poking fun at those beliefs
> > and someone attacking them physically. They
> > honestly believe that they *are* their beliefs.
> >
> > The *same* thing happened in Europe and America
> > with regard to Christianity. A bunch of attached
> > people grew so fearful of anyone laughing at
> > the things they held sacred or treating them
> > lightly that they killed hundreds of thousands
> > of people for doing it. Remember the Inquisition?
> >
> > The solution is not, in my opinion, to cave, to
> > submit to these dogma-bullies, but to *continue*
> > to express oneself -- whether that _expression_
> > happens as humor, or academic criticism, or in
> > whatever fashion it manifests itself. If a bunch
> > of people hadn't stood up for their right to
> > think for themselves, we'd still have the
> > Inquisition.
> >
> > Oh...wait...we still *do* have the Inquisition.
> > It was officially disbanded in the 1950s, but
> > the current Pope brought it back. Never mind. :-)
> >
> > Anyway, as you can tell, I'm a fan of humor and
> > laughter with regard to spirituality and spiritual
> > beliefs. I don't have the exact quote with me, but
> > here's the gist of what one teacher said on the
> > subject: "Any spiritual organization that has lost
> > the ability to laugh at the things it considers
> > holy for fear of losing their way has already
> > lost their way."
> >
> Good article in the NY Times International edition today about what I
> was blasted about here yesterday.

Goofed up the link try this one:

Furor Over Cartoons Pits Muslim Against Muslim


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