On Feb 22, 2006, at 1:37 PM, a_non_moose_ff wrote:

"Story" may be the operative word.

As I study more history, it appears most if not all major cultures

have bee *transmitters*, users, and borrowers  of  knowledge from

other cultures -- as others have been of them. Lots more interaction

between the Mediteranian, Northern Africa, Middle East, China, India

etc. than previously thought or acknowledged. But I suppose  you view

it mostly came from India. I used to too.

No, China. India as well-for example Baghdad was designed by Indian architects was there was a Sanskrit University in Mesopotamia.

But your recent post hardly presents you as an unbiased observer of

Arab or Islamic history. Or any history for that matter.

It wasn't on the topic of history but responding to an alleged quote of Mahesh Varma on how 'deserts follow' a certain people.

As an aside, China it appears was a major naval and exploratory force

1000+ years ago with ships far exceeding the size and carrying

capacity of other cultures. And interestingly, the zero, as "store of

value,and "placeholder" has been found in Mayan works 3000 BC, before

any recorded use of it in India. 

And we are all ancestors of one or several migrations out of Central

Africa 40,000 + years ago. So "apparently" all subsequent cultures

ripped off the Afficans, I mean us. :)

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