> "Every day is life. We don't postpone the present based on the hopes
> of a more glorious future...It doesn't just happen all at once, it's a
> process...what makes you think that if you don't enjoy the process you
> will enjoy being in Unity Consciousness..."
> He spoke some more. Rick can add his recollection.
I have 300+ unread posts in my FFL box, so I just happened to spot this one
by chance. My recollection was that he said that at a Governors' conference
in S. Fallsburg, and that I was at the podium at the time, trying to be a
big shot and attract his attention. I was straining a lot in my life and
quite out of balance, which may have evoked his comment.
That's probably what wrecked the TMO, Rick. :) From then on, it was all downhill.