on 3/16/06 12:55 AM, shempmcgurk at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I know that the swastika has positive connotations. It's on the
> Guru Dev
>> picture that we all did puja to, but not very obvious. But I
> concur with
>> Shemp's observation that displaying it prominently is a risky PR
> move. Kind
>> of like praising Robert Mugabe and Fidel Castro.
> No, it's not "kind of like" it; it's worse.
> At least Fidel has his fans even in the U.S.  Save for a very small
> fringe of neo-nazis and white supremists, there is universal hatred
> for the nazis and their primary symbol, the swaztika.

I mentioned it was a dumb PR move, but what was I saying? The whole setting
in which the swastika is displayed portrays no concern for or awareness of
PR impact.

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