If the Translations for the remaining chapters exist, Why Can't the TM-org publish it.?
    Maharishi in the beginning of the Gita translation said that, each sloka in the Gita has to be interperted from the view-point of the 6 systems and 4 states of consciousness, which means there are 24 valid commentaries for each sloka of Gita.  Maharishi himself has not written any commentary like that apart from that first sloka.

Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 09:15:24 -0600
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 5 stars!
> OTB on Amazon (*****):
> Couldn't be improved upon. — In response to Randy LeJeune of Baton Rouge, LA: "But why stop at chapter six when the Gita has eighteen chapters? I don't get it. It's not finished. As good as what he has translated is, it would be great if he had completed the job." — It WAS completed, but was not to be released until such time as was found to be appropriate according to the progress of meditators or world consciousness or both – I don't know which. The eighteen chapters of the Gita may be grouped according to each set of six chapters. Each set describes life in different stages of human development. Chapters one through six talk about progression from Transcendental to Cosmic Consciousness, chapters seven through twelve describe evolution from Cosmic to God Consciousness, and the final six chapters of thirteen through eighteen delineate human progress from God Consciousness to Unity Consciousness – the supreme human achievement. Beyond Unity, is Brahman Consciousness. But since this necessitates vibrating outside of the human nervous system, there is no human method of describing or validating it. So as Maharishi says: "Don't worry about it." As poor luck would have it, someone stole the remaining 12 chapters from Charlie Lutes in whose possession and safe keeping it was supposed to remain by not returning the manuscript after borrowing it from him. There is no additional copy of the original manuscript and no intention so far as I know of (circa 1994) that Maharishi ever intends to rewrite the missing chapters.

Never heard that story. I heard Vernon Katz has the whole thing.

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