Title: Help needed in bringing a spiritual teacher to town
From a friend who wants to bring this fellow to town. I am not in a position to organize his visit and neither is she, but if someone would like to, email me and I’ll put you in touch with her.

Master Teacher of Vaishnava Mystery School to hold two-hour loveshop 

Transcendental writer, musician and podcaster David Bruce Hughes (Bhaktisiddhartha Dasanudas), fully self-realized representative of the Gaudiya Vaishnava school, will offer insights derived from his lifetime of study and practice at the source of his lineage in India. This event features kirtan, talks and personal sharing for those who want to go deeper into the Bhakti Vedic tradition and lifestyle. David sees Bhakti as a path to realization of the most profound Vedic truths of the Upanishads, Vedanta and Bhagavad-gita in the context of a loving service relationship with an affectionate personal God. For more information see his podcast at http://esotericteaching/blog <http://esotericteaching/blog> .


David Bruce Hughes, a Master Teacher of the Brotherhood of the Esoteric Teaching and the author and presenter of the Esoteric Teaching seminar series, is not an ordinary spiritual teacher or workshop facilitator, but a fully self-realized being of extremely high attainment. David lived in India for many years, is an advanced student of several different schools of Yoga, and has also studied Jyotish, Qigong, Qidoshka, Madhyamika and other traditional Eastern spiritual paths and practices in the original languages and cultures. Most importantly, he is a confidential initiate of the Esoteric Teaching, the high-level mystical meta-knowledge that is both the origin and goal of all genuine spiritual paths. 

David is one of very few Westerners to be awarded the coveted Vedic brahmana initiation, the only Westerner ever to be invited to study at the secret Himalayan Tantra school in Nainital, and one of only a handful of scholars with unrestricted access to its complete Vedic archives. He also earned other esoteric degrees from Navaho Qidoshka shamans, traditional Vedic Yoga in India, and Taoist Qigong schools in Taiwan and Guam. David has written five books on the advanced stages of spiritual life, recorded and published ten CDs of spiritual music and Vedic chants, and is an accomplished musician, graphic designer, publisher, multimedia producer and Web designer.


Would anyone be willing to help co-ordinate his visit to Fairfield? He will be coming sometime between May 15 - 21, depending on when lectures can be arranged. Please email Rick if you can help. We need to start this week on preparations. Thank you in advance for your loving care of this most special and unusual and truly holy man.

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