Title: Beatles Offspring: 'Here Comes The Sons' 2006 Tour To Launch
Beatles Offspring: 'Here Comes The Sons' 2006 Tour To Launch

While a Beatles reunion concert is sadly out of the     question, Beatle
fans may just get the next best      thing: Julian & Sean Lennon, James
McCartney, Dhani      Harrison, and Zak & Jason Starkey are getting together
for a series of concerts this summer.      Calling their outing the 'Here
Comes The Sons' 2006      Tour, the surprising Beatles siblings 'reunion'
came      about when Julian Lennon visited Friar Park, the home     of the
late George Harrison, at the request of Dhani      Harrison and his mother
Olivia, Harrison's widow.      Olivia had come across some George Harrison
demos     which George had intended to send to John Lennon in      the
months prior to Lennon's tragic death. Harrison      had recorded the demos
trying to emulate Lennon's     voice, and decided that the songs were better
suited      for John. After Lennon's passing, Harrison shelved the tapes,
which were later discovered by Olivia.          Listening to the songs,
Olivia also felt the songs      needed a Lennon vocal and invited Julian
Lennon to     Friar Park to hear the demos. Julian listened and liked the
songs, but thought that there were some      parts that needed a higher,
younger vocal register     than he could muster. He rang up his half-brother      
Sean, and emailed an mp3 of a couple of the demos to the youngest Lennon.
Both Lennon's were excited about      the songs and arranged to record them
at Friar Park      with Dhani and Sean doing the guitar parts.          
Playbacks of the songs revealed to the young Harrison and Lennon Brothers
that some distinctive bass and      drum parts were needed. On a hunch, they
rang Sir Paul      McCartney to see if he might have interest in the     
project. Sir Paul politely refused, but suggested that      perhaps his son,
James, might be the man they needed      to play bass. James McCartney
arrived at the sessions      with Zak & Jason Starkey, the sons of Beatles
drummer      Ringo Starr, who happened to be visiting the     McCartney's in
London. The six Beatles siblings then      went to work on the Harrison
demos, and the finished      results so pleased them, they decided that not
only      would they release the songs, they would also record     
additional original material for an album release, to be followed by a brief
tour of the United States.          At a press conference held at Abbey Road
Studios, the      Beatles siblings made an official announcement of the      
tour and album release. "Were all very excited by the      songs", Dhani
Harrison beamed, "Dad really wanted John Lennon to record these songs, and
in a way, I feel     that we're honoring his wishes". "I'm very humbled      
that Olivia and Dhani asked me to listen to George's      demos", chimed in
Julian Lennon, "and I'm very happy that Sean is onboard this project too.
We've been     talking for years about doing something together, and      
these songs felt just right for us. And to have Dhani,      James, Zak &
Jason involved makes this a very special      project as well".          
"Our Dad's at first were a little leery about us doing      this", said
James McCartney , refering to McCartney      and Starr, "but after they
heard what we put together, they gave us their blessings". "It's funny in a
way",      added Zak Starkey, "I've played with my Dad, The Who      and
Oasis, but playing with these guys, who are more      or less as much
brothers to me as Jason is, I'm really      excited at the prospect of going
on the road with     them". When asked who came up with the idea of calling
the      tour 'Here Comes The Sons 2006', Dhani Harrison raised      his
hand. "Guilty!', he laughed, joined by the other      five. "After all, I
made the phone call!", which elicited another round of laughter from the
group. The      tour kicks off at Irving Plaza in New York City on     April
1st, 2006. More dates to be announced. Stella      McCartney will be
designing the stage wear for the group.

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