--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://www.slate.com/id/2140242/
> "There is now no great secret about
> how the administration took the
> United States to war, and none about
> Blair's reason for supporting
> Bush. As the Labor politician Aneurin
> Bevan would have said, why
> look into the crystal ball when you
> can read the book? British
> troops are in Basra because of something
> Blair knew and something he believed.
> He knew that Washington was going to
> invade in any case, and he
> believed that "it would be more
> damaging to long-term world peace
> and security if the Americans alone
> defeated Saddam Hussein than if
> they had international support to do so."
> 90. It would be more damaging to peace and security if he acted
> alone than if he had my support, so I'll go along with him for the
> ride."

Bush wanted to bomb Al Jazeera's studios located in
a friendly state, Qatar. Blair stopped him.

bbrigante, you are a total wanker. You have pushed
out the boundaries of foolishness. The bard will
have much to say on this subject. I'll go look.

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