--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I can't remember exactly when the Nepal campaign was but I  want to
say it
> would have around 72 or 73. M went to Nepal and  initiated tens of
> maybe thirty five thousand, in a football  stadium using earphones
which he
> first used in Fuiggi Italy. He left and never  went back. I think
Satyanand may
> have done some follow up but the program ended  very quickly. I
would think M
> was calling the shots as to what was to be done  and how much money
could be
> spent in Nepal, he usually exercises that control.  But the whole
thing ended
> abruptly and as quickly as it got  started.

It was in the end of 1974. I saw a film of it. It was said that he
initiated 28000 in one go. He had a special tapemachine, that could
hold several different tapes, and from there going out strings with
earphones. He did a common puja on stage, and then queried people and
different groups showed their hands. The initiation went via the tapes
all at the same time. There were postcards printed and distributed to
attend follow-up meetings, but I think without much success. Just
before, and right after it had happened, there was a great excitement
about it, as many thought this was a way to get big masses to
meditation. But it was abundoned for the reasons already stated.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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