Wow! What an ignorant wacko but very typical of the ignorant wackos that
Republicans are.

First off Linus Torvalds wrote Linux when trying to MINIX, a computer
science professor's operating system that was the core of his book on
operating systems, to work on an IBM PC.  I actually remember when Linus
sent an email over Usenet that he had gotten it to work.  At the time I
was considering making it work on a Commodore Amiga.

BTW, at the time the US government and military was concerned about
single source operating systems.  Microsoft was not considered a very
good option and Windows was very immature at that time.  I have never
thought it is a good idea to let a single corporation own the OS you run
and I practice what I preach as I am running Thunderbird on my Linux box
as I type this.  This philosophy is shared by many throughout the tech
industry.  In fact it is rumored that even Microsoft has a Linux group.

Linux is open source but it is harder to hack than Windows.  That is why
I run it for email and web stuff.  There are few if any Linux viruses
and Trojans.  Like Unix you have to have permissions to run a new piece
of software.  Mac users who have OS X are familiar with this concept
too.  So the author is totally nuts about Linux software being hacked
plus a little late to the party as IBM has been selling solutions based
on Linux for years.  Major corporations like GM use Linux.

Plus many US authors have contributed to Linux and some US software
companies have donated patents to it.  It is a good thing.  Microsoft
wouldn't lose any money if they stopped selling Windows tomorrow and
built their applications for Linux instead which I believe is eventually
going to happen.

Right now Linux is not quite as user friendly as Windows but it IS
getting there.  Ubuntu is a very popular version of Linux:
BTW, you can download Live CDs of many Linux distributions (called
"distros") and boot them on your computer to test and run the system.  
There is a live CD available on the Unbuntu site too.  Here is a link to
DistroWatch which reports on current Linux versions and links to downloads:

Many versions of Linux are free and if you are paying for it you are
often paying for support instead and a suite of applications with it as
in the case of the non-free SUSE versions.  SUSE which started out as a
German open source project is now owned by Novell.

As Judy mentions the article may be a spoof and Linux advocates are
known for such things.  That's part of the fun of the Linux community. :)

TurquoiseB wrote:

>Just when you start to think that people on FFL are
>crazy, someone sends you a link to where people are
>*really* crazy, and you can relax.
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