--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     Thu Apr 27, 10:40 AM ET
>   BEIJING (AFP) - China urged all sides involved in the dispute over
>   Iran's nuclear program to remain calm and show restraint, as it
said the stand-off was at a crucial stage.
>   "We indeed think the Iranian nuclear issue is at a crucial stage,"
foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang told a regular briefing.
>   "We hope all parties concerned can keep calm, exercise restraint
and create favorable conditions so as to properly resolve this issue."

Really good to have a billion plus human earth units (aka people) in
China thinking this way...indicates a tipping point, and clarity in
the collective consciousness of the two clear choices available. Not
being thought of a muddy issue, but a clear choice, with implied
consequences, either way.

A very good sign, imo, of rising world consciousness (and advance
apologies for sounding so very TMO, but hey, intersections happen...).

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