> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> > I still have to agree more or less with Jason. Lincoln, was
> sending son's
> > off to be killed by the tens of thousands to supposedly preserve
> the Union.
> > When he announced the emancipation proclamation, the tide of the
> war had not yet
> > turned in favor of the North and there were politicians that
> still hoped for
> > a negotiated settlement and that, the emancipation proclamation,
> ruined it
> > in many peoples eyes. Lincoln had a very hard time in the press
> and public
> > opinion until Gettysburg. Between the battle of Gettysburg and
> the next election
> > Lincoln got some breathing room and was able to get more public
> support. But
> > the emancipation proclamation only gave him support from a
> minority of white
> > abolitionists while others thought it only gave the South more
> resolve to
> > fight on. Of course by the end of the war Lincoln was the hero
> and even
> > Southerners looked upon him as the person to protect them from
> Northern politicians
> > seeking revenge.
> ...and don't forget New York City and the riots that targeted
> African-Americans for death. See, I saw that dreadful "Gangs of
> New York"...
For a more, uh, balanced view of the New York draft
riots and support for the Emancipation Proclamation
in that city, see:
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