> I couldn't resist posting this piece by Hendrik Hertzberg from the
> New Yorker this week.
> Rummyache
> In the ongoing South Americanization of political culture north of
> the border—a drawn-out historical journey whose markers include
> fiscal recklessness, an accelerating wealth gap between the rich
> and the rest, corruption masked by populist rhetoric, a frank
> official embrace of the techniques of "dirty war," and, by way
> of initiating the present era, a judicial autogolpe installing a
> dynastic presidente
For those who, like me, had never seen the word
"autogolpe" before:
"Our word for the day is autogolpe, or self-coup, a term popularized
by the autogolpe of Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori. A self-coup
is, in a sense, a type of purge, such as the Night of the Long
Knives, in which Adolf Hitler terminated party rivals and by so
doing, ensured the support of the armed forces for his rule. In our
own history we have self-coups, such as Marcos's proclamation of
martial law; and we have had purges aplenty, the Bonifacio-Aguinaldo
leadership showdown being one, and more recent ones in revolutionary
movements such as the Huks and the Communist Party of the
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