--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel"
> (snip)
> There in that cafe in Sommières yesterday, I managed
> > to get beyond "Yes, but..."
> >
> > I sat there trying to not have as much fun with the
> > day as I knew I was capable of having, and then I
> > caught myself doing it.  The moment I did, I was
> > able to laugh at myself. And through my laughter,
> > I found my body saying "Yes."  Out loud.  Weirdest
> > damned thing.
> >
> > Everything changed. Background flipflopped into
> > foreground and the witnessing, a moment before
> > unnoticed, moved front and center and reasserted
> > its Self again.  And all it took was getting to
> > "Yes."
> >
> Had an experience this weekend, which I can relate to this feeling.
> Had to do with sitting with someone who was 'reading' my energy,
> noticed how much my energy itself seems to go 'back and forth'.
> as I sat with her, I began to notice, how when I acknowledged the
> truth of how I felt, the energy in my head settled, thoughts
> subsided, a peaceful feeling;
> Then she asked me to bring this peaceful feeling in my head, down
> my heart, and feel the energy there...and it seems that's
> when you just simply acknowledge the truth of feeling;
> Without the feeling of 'but',
> Instead, a technique that can be used with eyes open, just feeling
> whatever truth you feel, that quiets the brain, and then bring
> feeling of quietness, down into the heart, and just let it sit
> And feel how this could be the seat of the soul, within the quiet
> heart, which is quiet, because it knows the 'Truth', without
> the 'but', or activity of searching for something...
I found it significant that the conscious acknowledgement of your
inner Truth, your Jivan, your Soul essence, occurred while you were
sitting quietly, on the weekend.

This is how the seduction of the Self begins, in our quiet moments,
when we are relaxed. Then as we consciously acknowledge that
transcendent charm manifesting while we are in waking state, it
becomes easier to discriminate and to recognize, and begins to take
what is rightfully its own; us.

Eventually our surrender to our Selves becomes complete, and
inescapable, we are given over, and no more can our true nature be

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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