--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "markmeredith2002"
> You've also not responded to my post regarding the dozens of other
> criminal allegations -- drug trafficking, murder, murder coverup,
> financial corruption, etc. -- made by your sources throughout the 90s
> (which seem to be the rush and drudge crowd) against the clintons, all
> of which were not only false, but absurd.  The rape charges came from
> the same PR noise machine, which was well funded and organized.

And let's not forget the Paula Jones lawsuit.  She was
put up to it, and funded, by the same machine, *with
the specific goal of setting a perjury trap for Clinton*.
They hoped that during the process, he would be asked
about other sexual escapades and would lie about them.

The Monica story might never have come out otherwise,
because they would never have been able to get Monica
herself to sue him.  And if the Monica case had never
been exposed, it's unlikely either Willey or Broaddrick
could have been convinced to make their accusations.

Hillary was widely mocked for her "vast right-wing
conspiracy" charge, but it turns out it was damn close
to the truth.  The various right-wing conspiracies to
get Clinton weren't all coordinated, but the effort as
a whole was indeed vast.

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