--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The trans-Saturnian planets move very slowly.  What impact do they
> really have if any?   What impact do any of the grahas other than
> Moon and the Sun really have on the earth?  When there are close
> conjunctions they will make the earth wobble a bit more but that
is all
> which means you have to apply some complex perturbation formulas
to get
> their positions correct within a few seconds.  Some think it is
the rays
> of the planet that cause the effects determined by Jyotish but
> would really make the trans-Saturnian planets  insignificant.  As
I said
> before the planets may be nothing more than markers for circadian
> rhythms in nature say for instance a 12 year rhythm tied to
> Dashas could also be mappings of the rhythms.   As for someone
> about why "yagyas" work, perhaps because they help bring us "in
> with these circadian rhythms.  Usually we have disasters in our
> when we are in conflict with the planets.  Remedials bring us into
> alignment with their effects or perhaps the circadian rhythms they
> represent.


The planets/grahas do not really generate anything -- it's just a
matter of one's karma returning home:

MMY, SBAL, "Karma and the art of being" ~p. 128

"...the vibrations set forth by the performance of an action travel
around the doer, striking against everything in the surroundings,
traveling far and wide. They strike against everything on Earth, on
the moon, the sun, and the stars, and keep on traveling in the
entire field of the universe, influencing everything that they come
across. How they influence depends upon the quality of the action
and the force of the performance.
The reaction created by the striking of these vibrations against
different things in the universe travels back to the doer as a
rubber ball thrown against a wall bounces back to the player.
Obviously, a reaction returns to the doer more quickly from the
nearby surrounding area but takes a longer time to come back from
great distances."

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