> I'd be interested to hear whether you're satisfied
> with the final product (i.e., with what lulu.com does
> for you).  I'm a freelance editor, and sometimes my
> writer clients want to explore self-publishing options,
> so it would be nice to have a company to recommend (or
> warn folks away from, depending!)

This particular service has a very low start-up cost (free), but is for those who are
technically minded and can do the prep work themselves (layout, cover design). Unless you
have problems there is no human contact at all. It's like the ATM of publishing. It does
offers great author control. You can even make changes after the book is in print. The cost
per copy is fairly high ($4.xx plus .02 per page) It leaves room for a decent royalty as long
as people order directly from lulu or me. To go into mainstream distribution one might
want something else. There's no commitment so you can always switch to something else.
I can let you know more after I've worked with them for a while.
> I very much enjoyed reading the first 11 chapters on
> your Web site (which I was able to access the second
> time I tried).  I do have one suggestion, though: make
> the margins wider so the lines of type aren't so long.
> I found myself getting crosseyed after the first few
> paragraphs!
> Otherwise, very nicely done.  Congratulations!  I
> hope you have a lot of success with the book.

Thanks, Judy. I guess I should tell people that the page is dynamic in width. You can
control the column width by dragging your window narrower. At one time all web pages
were like that; now it is getting rare. I don't really expect most people to read that much
on screen. Don't know if I would. Something about the printed page that's so much more
comfortable. I know I said "technology is great" but I'm actually a ludite. I like the touch
and feel of real things. You're probably used to reading things on screen being an editor.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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