The concept of enlightenment is way over my head.  I am just focusing
on what we can articulate about our awareness and it's potential to grow.

My biggest change in wellbeing comes from physical exercise. I wonder
if wellbeing has any place in the discussion of what our awareness is
and how it can change?

--- In, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, Rick Archer <fairfieldlife@>
> >
> > on 5/23/06 9:33 PM, curtisdeltablues at curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
> >
> > >  I don't think my "ability to know" fluctuates at all to
> > > any significant degree day to day.  Of course I don't mean this
in any
> > > spiritual way, it is just that I have lost all interest in
> > > whatever quality I used to care about when I used to think of
> > > "awareness" as something that changed or could be developed.
> >
> > I think there is a spiritual implication to this, because the
clarity of
> > awareness does fluctuate. Experiences which can come, can also go. But
> > understanding is much more stable, and ultimately, understanding
is what
> > gets you enlightened (keeping in mind that there's no "you" which
> > enlightened, blah, blah). That's because it ultimately enables one
to grasp
> > (again terms are inadequate) that which is and was always there,
and which
> > is rock-solid in its stability. That's why advaita and neo-advaita
> > are so effective for so many people. Some think they offer a
cop-out ("you
> > don't have to do anything; you're already enlightened") and maybe
for some
> > that's what they do. In fact, I hear of people who bought into
that line for
> > a while, and are now realizing there's still work to do, and are
> > to some form of sadhana. But for those who have already done
decades of
> > sadhana, the subtle understanding these teachers may enliven can be
> > profoundly transformational. Maybe that's not what you were
getting at, but
> > that's what came to mind when I read (and reread) your post.
> >
> MMY refers to the mahasutra (?) that is required for someone to hear
to actually attain
> Unity. Perhaps this is where advaita's "you are already enlightened"
becomes relevant.

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