Yes American farming subsidies really hurt a lot of third world
countries.   In Jamaica dairy farmers have to dump milk because the
country is forced to take American subsidized milk.  There is a DVD
documentary on this very subject called "Life and Debt."   It was made
by the daughter of a former Jamaican President.   It not only spells out
the trouble with subsidies but what the IMF does to countries in debt. 
The IMF has already warned the US about its debt.  In Argentina they
even seized 401Ks.

shempmcgurk wrote:

>This is classic Free-Market Economics: when a government gives its
>farmers subsidies it increases supply and thereby decreases price.
>The ones that are hurt most are the Third World farmers who are NOT
>getting subsidies and are getting LESS for their product.
>Bono Attacks American Stance On Cotton Trade
>Irish rocker Bono has hit out at America's stance on the cotton
>trade during his visit to Mali, the latest stop on his African tour.
>The singer visited cotton farmers in the north-western African
>country and promised to fight their case at the new World Trade
>Organization (WTO) summit. He says, "There are cotton farmers in
>America who need to meet you. This is my biggest desire because I
>think they will understand you better because I think American
>cotton farmers would respect how you work the land so well with
>little water. The reason you don't get more for your cotton is
>because world trade talks, the people who are sitting at the table,
>do not respect your situation. We will try to represent you in the
>trade talks where they won't let you sit." Bono criticized America
>for handing out $4.2 billion in subsidies to its cotton farmers in
>2004-2005. He believes these payments depress the international
>cotton market and ruin African economies.


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